by Jason DeRouchie | Jun 5, 2020 | Announcements, Endorsements
Are you considering college? Are you willing to do really hard things for God, trusting the highest power for the greatest task? Do you treasure Christ and long to see the obedience that flows from faith awakened among the nations for the sake of Christ’s name (Rom... by Jason DeRouchie | May 27, 2020 | DeRouchie, Prayers and Poems
Mediations from Psalm 147 and Isaiah 57:15–21 In the high and holy place you dwell And with the contrite and lowly. Past sin cannot enslave again For you heal and comfort wholly. You do not delight in a horse’s strength Nor take pleasure in the legs of a man.... by Jason DeRouchie | Mar 29, 2020 | DeRouchie, Prayers and Poems
“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it” (John 1:5). “For God, who said, ‘Let light shine out of darkness,’ has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ” (2 Corinthians 4:6).... by Jason DeRouchie | Mar 24, 2020 | DeRouchie, Prayers and Poems
A POETIC MEDITATION ON THE HOPE OF ISAIAH 40 “Behold your God!” comes the alarm. With mighty arm he rules and saves. The shepherd-king, his word is sure No war or roar; his sheep secure, though grass withers and flowers fade. Good news announced; he comes with... by Jason DeRouchie | Jan 22, 2019 | DeRouchie, Prayers and Poems
A Prayer of Praise from Psalm 111 We praise you, O Yahweh, through Christ who makes our prayers possible! With the psalmist, I give thanks to you with my whole heart, in this company of the upright, in the congregation that you have... by Jason DeRouchie | Nov 25, 2018 | DeRouchie, Prayers and Poems
A Prayer of Praise No one can measure the waters in your hand; None else can mark the heavens with a span. No other captures earth’s dust in a measure; Only you weigh hills in scales like treasure. Your Spirit’s greatness none can assess. Perfect justice is yours;... by Jason DeRouchie | Jun 3, 2018 | DeRouchie, Holiness, Mission, Prayers and Poems
A Prayer of Praise Lord Christ, we gather this day in great hope of your greatness and what your sovereignty can mean for the billions of souls living in darkness. From Chicago to Beijing, you are progressively reclaiming cities and farms, mansions to squatters’... by Jason DeRouchie | Jul 30, 2017 | Creation, DeRouchie, God, Mission, Prayers and Poems, Worship
A Prayer of Praise You alone are exalted higher than the sky. The greatest people and the greatest nations are like drops in a bucket that is carried along by you and you alone. The Milky Way galaxy has 100 billion stars, and there are 10 trillion galaxies of equal... by Jason DeRouchie | Apr 6, 2017 | DeRouchie, God, Prayers and Poems, Worship
You are worthy, O Lord, of infinite praise; None is greater or higher; just are your ways. Snowy yards give rise to a flowery spring; Skies of gray shift to blue as the robins sing. Fields of brown change into landscapes of green. Help us long for you and acclaim you,... by Jason DeRouchie | Nov 9, 2016 | Biblical Theology Themes, DeRouchie, God, The Gospel, The Kingdom of God, Theology, Worship
We have just witnessed an unprecedented (and unpresidential) presidential election. How are our kids — five-year-olds, ten-year-olds, fifteen-year-olds — processing what has just happened? What are they seeing, thinking, and hearing as they watch the news and talk...