Proclaiming the Kingdom


Works by Jason DeRouchie

How to Understand and Apply the Old Testament
What the Old Testament Authors Really Cared About


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Sovereign Joy

JY: Welcome to GearTalk, a podcast on biblical theology. Today we have bad news. Our summer of stories is over. We also have very good news. Jason DeRouchie is back after a summer break, although when you hear what he did this summer, it won't sound like much of a...

Rejoicing in Rescue When Death is Gain (Philippians 1:18b–21)

(Audio Download / PDF) DeRouchie gave this message over the summer to a group prayerfully considering joining the new Sovereign Joy Baptist Church plant in Liberty, MO. ***** Sovereign Joy Baptist Church exists to glorify God through the Word and Spirit by making...

Four Reasons to Use the Biblical Languages

“Now Ezra had determined in his heart to study the law of the LORD, obey it, and teach its statutes and ordinances in Israel” (Ezra 7:10, HCSB). While every believer must seek to know God, not everyone needs to know the biblical languages. Indeed, the Lord has...

DeRouchie’s Audio & Video Sites

A Podcast on Biblical Theology
with Tom Kelby & Jason DeRouchie

Where DeRouchie serves as Research Professor of Old Testament and Biblical Theology

Where DeRouchie Serves as Content Developer and Global Trainer

See DeRouchie's Site