Lord of All

Lord of All: A Prayer Lord of all. From Aleph to Taw, from Alpha to Omega, from A to Z––every quality, every value has its benchmark in you. You are not one topping; you are the supreme in every way. The king of time and space. The master, not the amateur. You’ve...

There Is No One Higher

There Is No One Higher: Meditations on Revelation 4–5 There is no one higher, No one sweeter In blazing fire. Our desire is to worship you. Your throne is supreme; Your name exalted. To the cross we cling And sing, “You are worthy of highest praise.” Holy, holy, holy...

Who Is Like You? Only One

WHO IS LIKE YOU? ONLY ONE The prophet Isaiah queried, “To whom will you liken God, or what likeness will you compare with him?” (Isa 40:18). He saw you coming with might, with light––the Sovereign Yahweh with a strong arm to rule, reward, and render recompense. Like a...