by Jason DeRouchie | Mar 28, 2024 | Creation, God, Scripture, The Bible and Theology
At stake in the question of the earth’s age is faithful exegesis of the biblical text aligned with a faithful interpretation of the scientific data. Because no one but God was present at the beginning, and because the Bible is God’s inerrant word, Scripture holds... by Jason DeRouchie | Jan 7, 2024 | Covenant, Creation, Exile & Exodus, People of God, Sacrifice, The Gospel, The Kingdom of God
The Biblical Covenants in Salvation History by Jason DeRouchie, Tom Kelby, and Jack Yaeger Transcript JY: Welcome to GearTalk. How does the whole story of Scripture...
by Jason DeRouchie | Dec 10, 2023 | Creation, GearTalk Biblical Theology Podcast, Temple, Worship
Genesis 2:4–14 Genesis 2:4–14 by Jason DeRouchie, Tom Kelby, and Jack Yaeger Transcript JY: Welcome to GearTalk, a podcast on biblical theology. Today, Jason and Tom go through...
by Jason DeRouchie | Nov 1, 2022 | Christ, Creation, Death & Resurrection, GearTalk Biblical Theology Podcast, Priest, Sin, Sin
Genesis 2:15–25 Genesis 2:15–25 by Jason DeRouchie, Tom Kelby, and Jack Yaeger Transcript JY: Welcome to GearTalk, a podcast on biblical theology. Today, Jason and Tom go... by Jason DeRouchie | Jul 9, 2022 | Articles/Essays, Blog Posts, Creation, DeRouchie, God
DesiringGod asked Dr. Wayne Grudem and me to offer arguments for our respective old-earth and young-earth views, and then respond to each other. You can access the full set of articles and responses on the “How Old Is the Earth?” series page. A full PDF is... by Jason DeRouchie | Jul 7, 2022 | Creation, Observation, Text
Dr. Grudem usually uses Scripture to ground his Christian doctrine and ethics. However, he supports his belief in an old earth with almost no biblical evidence, dismisses the proposals of scientists guided by God’s word, and follows an interpretation of the observable... by Jason DeRouchie | Apr 26, 2020 | Announcements, Articles/Essays, Covenant, Creation, DeRouchie, Endorsements
Verrett, Brian A. The Serpent in Samuel: A Messianic Motif. Eugene, OR: Resource, 2020. This updated and now published ThM thesis from Brian A. Verrett is a model example of rigorous exegesis and whole-Bible theology done well within a single book. Brian received his... by Jason DeRouchie | Jul 15, 2019 | Articles/Essays, Christ, Creation, Death & Resurrection, DeRouchie, The Gospel
We are nearly two decades into the twenty-first century, and Christians all over the world are still hoping in the resurrection. This hope is not new. We have longed for resurrection since God first awakened faith in the earliest Old Testament saints. Equally,... by Jason DeRouchie | May 5, 2018 | Context, Covenant, Creation, DeRouchie, Endorsements, Scripture
Currid, John D. Against the Gods: The Polemical Theology of the Old Testament. Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2013. 150 pages. Co-editor of Crossway’s new ESV Archaeology Study Bible, Dr. John Currid is Carl W. McMurray Professor of Old Testament at Reformed Theological... by Jason DeRouchie | Jul 30, 2017 | Creation, DeRouchie, God, Mission, Prayers and Poems, Worship
A Prayer of Praise You alone are exalted higher than the sky. The greatest people and the greatest nations are like drops in a bucket that is carried along by you and you alone. The Milky Way galaxy has 100 billion stars, and there are 10 trillion galaxies of equal...