by Jason DeRouchie | Jan 27, 2022 | Announcements, Audio, Blog Posts, DeRouchie, Lectures, People of God, Prophets & Prophecy, The Glory of God
The annual Hugh D. Brown Lectures, Irish Bible College, Moira, Northern Ireland, Jan 13, 2022. Over the past seven years I have given much time toward understanding Zephaniah. You can find some of the fruits of these labors here. Through this season, I’ve come... by Jason DeRouchie | Oct 18, 2020 | Announcements, Articles/Essays, Bible Study, Blog Posts, DeRouchie, Sin, The Glory of God, Wrath
DeRouchie, Jason S. “Interpreting Scripture: A General Introduction” and “The Day of the Lord,” The Gospel Coalition, 23 September 2020, and... by Jason DeRouchie | Oct 20, 2018 | Audio, Biblical Theological Overview of the Bible, Christ, DeRouchie, Lectures, Scripture, Video
Bethlehem College & Seminary celebrates the rigorous life of the mind for the glory of the divine Son, by whom, through whom, and for whom all things were created (Col 1:16). Ten years ago John Piper catapulted the school into existence with his... by Jason DeRouchie | Jun 3, 2018 | DeRouchie, Holiness, Mission, Prayers and Poems
A Prayer of Praise Lord Christ, we gather this day in great hope of your greatness and what your sovereignty can mean for the billions of souls living in darkness. From Chicago to Beijing, you are progressively reclaiming cities and farms, mansions to squatters’... by Jason DeRouchie | Mar 8, 2017 | Application, Articles/Essays, Audio, Bible Study, Biblical Theology Themes, Christ, Complete Bibliography, Covenant, DeRouchie, Lectures, Theology, Video
The promises of God…. What we dread or hope for tomorrow changes who we are today. This foundational Christian doctrine colors all of our lives as believers, both in times of temptation and trial. God’s promises motivate holiness and awaken expectation and confidence... by Jason DeRouchie | Jun 1, 2016 | Audio, Christ, Death & Resurrection, DeRouchie, God, Holiness, Salvation, Sin, Sin, Theology, Wrath
BIG & small Questions of the Faith The Question: Is God less glorious because he ordained that evil be? Part 1: The Problem of Natural Evil (Audio/PowerPoint) Part 2: The Problem of Moral Evil (Audio/PowerPoint) Part 3: Reconciling the... by Jason DeRouchie | May 25, 2016 | Audio, Biblical Theology Themes, Christ, Death & Resurrection, DeRouchie, Sacrifice, Salvation, Sin, The Gospel, Theology
“BIG & small Questions of the Faith.” These recordings are my responses to major and minor theological questions that my family and Sunday School class have raised. I pray that they will serve the broader community of faith both by supplying biblically... by Jason DeRouchie | May 13, 2016 | Audio, Christ, Complete Bibliography, DeRouchie, Humanity, Sin, Sin, Theology, Worship, Wrath
The US President and his supporters are making a full-on assault against biblical definitions of maleness and femaleness, claiming that our gender identity and expression do not have to align with our God-given biological sex. This is an abomination to the Lord. How... by Jason DeRouchie | Feb 14, 2016 | Christ, DeRouchie, Prayers and Poems, Worship
A Prayer of Praise: Fill Us, O Lord Your voice is ringing, calling, urging all who hear to come, all who are thirsty to drink, all who are empty to be filled, all who are hungry to eat. You are the living water. You are the bread of life. You heal the sick. You guide... by Jason DeRouchie | Feb 6, 2015 | Audio, Biblical Theological Overview of the Bible, Biblical Theology Themes, DeRouchie
KINGDOM: Scripture’s Story of God’s Glory in Christ Scripture is about a God who reigns, saves, and satisfies through covenant for his glory in Christ. In this seminar Dr. DeRouchie overviews “Scripture’s story of God’s glory in...