by Jason DeRouchie | Feb 5, 2016 | Audio, DeRouchie, The Church, The Glory of God, The Gospel, Theology
STAY PLUGGED INTO THE POWER, OR THE LIGHT WILL NOT BE ON! A Pastoral Charge from Romans 1:16 One of the great promises in Scripture is Jesus’s declaration, “I will build my church” (Matt 16:18), and one of the great joys of my ministry is getting to...
by Jason DeRouchie | May 22, 2015 | Audio, Biblical Theology Themes, Complete Bibliography, Covenant, DeRouchie, People of God, The Church, Theology, Video
In my own walk of faith, God led me on a ten-year journey before I became a convinced credo Baptist. Ultimately, it was biblical theology that finally pushed me over the fence, and in the following presentation I expound some of the biblical-theological arguments that...
by Jason DeRouchie | Feb 1, 2014 | Audio, DeRouchie, The Church, Theology
Listen as Dr. DeRouchie gives a pastoral charge during a recent installation service for one of his friends. Dr. DeRouchie presents the charge from Romans 1:16. Read the manuscript: Pastoral Charge–Rom 1:16
by Jason DeRouchie | Nov 1, 2013 | Biblical Theological Overview of the Bible, Biblical Theology Themes, Christ, DeRouchie, The Church, Theology, Wisdom
Are the “Preacher’s” words in Ecclesiastes orthodox, or are they more akin to the teachings of Job’s three friends? Is the main voice that of a skeptic, fatalist, or agnostic, or do we hear the words of a believing realist and godly sage? This essay attempts to...