Substantive Blog Posts

  1. Psalm 121: What It Means That Yahweh Is Your Guardian (Desiring God, Jan 27, 2012)
  2. Which Is the Real Ten Commandments? (The Gospel Coalition, Aug 27, 2012)
  3. Love God with Your Everything (Desiring God, Oct 10, 2013)
  4. Five Facts About Loving God (Desiring God, Oct 24, 2013)
  5. When God’s Promise Overcomes Our Problem (Desiring God, Nov 6, 2013)
  6. Where Does True Love Come From? (Desiring God, Dec 19, 2013)
  7. Looking to Christ in the Loss of a Child (Desiring God, Feb 12, 2014)
  8. What Happened to the Dinosaurs? (DeRouchie-Meyer, Mar 18, 2014)
  9. The Wintry Soul: Four Lessons from Suffering (Desiring God, Mar 20, 2014)
  10. Was the Flood the First Time It Rained? (DeRouchie-Meyer, Mar 21, 2014)
  11. We Are Made for Praise (Desiring God, Mar 24, 2014)
  12. For Our Good Always–Interview Part 1 (Books at a Glance, May 6, 2014)
  13. For Our Good Always–Interview Part 2 (Books at a Glance, May 7, 2014)
  14. What the OT Authors Really Cared About–Interview Part 1 (Books at a Glance, May 13, 2014)
  15. What the OT Authors Really Cared About–Interview Part 2 (Books at a Glance, May 14, 2014)
  16. Four Reasons to Use the Biblical Languages (B&H Publishing, May 27, 2014)
  17. Canonical Consciousness and the Changes to the Decalogue (DeRouchie-Meyer, July 10, 2014)
  18. The New Covenant Community in Hebrews (DeRouchie-Meyer, Sept 11, 2014)
  19. The New Covenant Community in 2 Peter (DeRouchie-Meyer, Sept 13, 2014)
  20. At the Death of Your Child (DeRouchie-Meyer, Jan 26, 2015)
  21. TGC Review––Genesis: History, Fiction, or Neither? Three Views on the Bible’s Earliest Chapters (The Gospel Coalition, Sept 28, 2015)
  22. Train Up a Child in the Way He Should Go––A Meditation on Proverbs 22:6 (Desiring God, Sept 20, 2016)
  23. Why Must I Obey? A Meditation on Deuteronomy 6:20–25 (Bethlehem College & Seminary, Oct 3, 2016)
  24. Five Ways to Help Our Kids after the Election (Desiring God, Nov 9, 2016)
  25. If Your Right Hand Causes You to Sin: Ten Biblical Reflections on Masturbation (Desiring God, Dec 3, 2016) /PDF/
  26. 10 Reasons the Old Testament Is Important for Christians (The Gospel Coalition, Nov 7, 2018)
  27. 3 Books for Staying ‘Hitched’ to the Old Testament (The Gospel Coalition, Nov 8, 2018)
  28. Why the Third Day? The Promise of Resurrection in All of Scripture (Desiring God, June 11, 2019)
  29. God Always Wanted the Whole World: Global Mission from Genesis to Revelation (Desiring God, Dec 5, 2019)
  30. Jesus’s Only Bible: 7 Tips for Preaching the Old Testament (The Gospel Coalition, Feb 17, 2020)
  31. The Location of the Red Sea Miracle: A Biblical Case for the Gulf of Aqaba (, Feb 20, 2020)
  32. Resurrection Hope in a Season of Death (Credo Magazine, April 8, 2020)
  33. What I Learned the Day I almost Killed J. I. Packer (, July 28, 2020)
  34. How to Understand and Apply the Old Testament: Introduction (For the Church, Sept 10, 2020)
  35. How to Understand and Apply the Old Testament, Step 1: Genre (For the Church, Oct 6, 2020)
  36. How to Understand and Apply the Old Testament, Step 2: Literary Units and Text Hierarchy (For the Church, Nov 19, 2020)
  37. How to Understand and Apply the Old Testament, Step 3: Text Criticism (For the Church, Dec 22, 2020)
  38. How to Understand and Apply the Old Testament, Step 4: Translation (For the Church, Feb 2, 2021)
  39. How to Understand and Apply the Old Testament, Step 5: Clause and Text Grammar (For the Church, Mar 25, 2021)
  40. ‘Her Desire Will Be for Her Husband’: What Gen 3:16 Means for Marriage (DesiringGod, June 18, 2021)
  41. 10 Reasons Why You Should Read the Old Testament (Dec 29, 2021)
  42. How to Understand and Apply the Old Testament, Step 6: Argument Tracing (For the Church, Mar 10, 2022)
  43. A Long History of God’s Love for Africa (Desiring God, April 7, 2022)
  44. How to Understand and Apply the Old Testament, Step 7: Word and Concept Studies (For the Church, April 11, 2022)
  45. How to Understand and Apply the Old Testament, Step 8: Historical Context (For the Church, May 23, 2022)
  46. How to Understand and Apply the Old Testament, Step 9: Literary Context (For the Church, June 20, 2022)
  47. Our Young Earth: Arguments for Thousands of Years (Desiring God, July 7, 2022)
  48. A Response to Old Earth Arguments (Desiring God, July 7, 2022)
  49. How to Understand and Apply the Old Testament, Step 10: Biblical Theology (For the Church, Aug 31, 2022)
  50. How to Understand and Apply the Old Testament, Step 11: Systematic Theology (For the Church, Sept 20, 2022)
  51. How to Understand and Apply the Old Testament, Step 12: Practical Theology (For the Church, Oct 20, 2022)
  52. Fathers Discipling Children (Christ Over All, May 26, 2023)
  53. Delighting in the Old Testament––Introduction: Ten Reasons the Old Testament Matters for Christians (For the Church, July 19, 2023)
  54. Our Young Earth: Arguments for Thousands of Years (Christ Over All, Aug 2, 2023)
  55. Delighting in the Old Testament––01: New Testament Reflections on Grasping the Old Testament’s Message (For the Church, Aug 2, 2023)
  56. Delighting in the Old Testament––02: Old Testament Reflections on Grasping on the Old Testament’s Message (For the Church, Aug 16, 2023)
  57. Delighting in the Old Testament––03: Christ as Light and Lens for Reading the Old Testament Well (For the Church, Aug 30, 2023)
  58. Delighting in the Old Testament––04: KINGDOM: The Story of God’s Glory in Christ (For the Church, Sept 15, 2023)
  59. Delighting in the Old Testament––05: Treasuring Christ in All of Scripture (For the Church, Sept 27, 2003)
  60. The Davidic Covenant (Christ Over All, Sept 28, 2023)
  61. Delighting in the Old Testament––06: Jesus in Genesis: A Case Study (For the Church, Oct 11, 2023)
  62. Delighting in the Old Testament––07: Should Christians Hope in Old Testament Promises? (For the Church, Oct 25, 2023)
  63. Delighting in the Old Testament––08: The Christian’s Connection to Old Testament Promises (For the Church, Nov 8, 2023)
  64. Delighting in the Old Testament––09: How to Hope in Old Testament Promises through Christ (For the Church, Nov 22, 2023)
  65. Delighting in the Old Testament––10: The Christian’s Connection to Moses’s Law (For the Church, Dec 20, 2023)
  66. Delighting in the Old Testament––11: Other Views on the Christian and Old Testament Law (For the Church, Dec 27, 2023)
  67. Delighting in the Old Testament––12: How Jesus Maintains Some Old Testament Laws (For the Church, Jan 1, 2024)
  68. Delighting in the Old Testament––13: How Jesus Transforms or Annuls Some Old Testament Laws (For the Church, Jan 10, 2024)
  69. Delighting in the Old Testament––Conclusion: Tips for Delighting in the Old Testament (For the Church, Feb 7, 2024)
  70. The Story of God’s Glory in Christ (For the Church, Feb 13, 2024)
  71. Help! I Don’t Enjoy Reading the Old Testament (Crossway Blog, Feb 13, 2024)
  72. 4 Ways Jesus Fulfills Every Old Testament Promise (Crossway Blog, Feb 18, 2024)
  73. 10 Reasons the Old Testament Matters to Christians (Crossway Blog, Feb 25, 2024)
  74. Does the Law of Moses Matter for Christians Today? (Crossway Blog, March 13, 2024)
  75. When My Old Testament Became Christian (Desiring God, August 7, 2024 | PDF)