by Jason DeRouchie | May 25, 2016 | Audio, Biblical Theology Themes, Christ, Death & Resurrection, DeRouchie, Sacrifice, Salvation, Sin, The Gospel, Theology
“BIG & small Questions of the Faith.” These recordings are my responses to major and minor theological questions that my family and Sunday School class have raised. I pray that they will serve the broader community of faith both by supplying biblically... by Jason DeRouchie | May 13, 2016 | Audio, Christ, Complete Bibliography, DeRouchie, Humanity, Sin, Sin, Theology, Worship, Wrath
The US President and his supporters are making a full-on assault against biblical definitions of maleness and femaleness, claiming that our gender identity and expression do not have to align with our God-given biological sex. This is an abomination to the Lord. How...
by Jason DeRouchie | Apr 26, 2016 | Audio, Biblical Theology Themes, Death & Resurrection, DeRouchie, Humanity, Justice, Sin, Theology, Wrath
“BIG & small Questions of the Faith.” These recordings are my responses to major and minor theological questions that my family and Sunday School class have raised. I pray that they will serve the broader community of faith both by supplying biblically... by Jason DeRouchie | Apr 19, 2016 | Audio, Biblical Theology Themes, Creation, DeRouchie, God, Lectures, Theology
“BIG & small Questions of the Faith.” These recordings are my responses to major and minor theological questions that my family and Sunday School class have raised. I pray that they will serve the broader community of faith both by supplying...
by Jason DeRouchie | Apr 12, 2016 | Audio, DeRouchie, Humanity, Sin, Sin, Theology
“BIG & small Questions of the Faith.” These recordings are my responses to major and minor theological questions that my family and Sunday School class have raised. I pray that they will serve the broader community of faith both by...
by Jason DeRouchie | Apr 5, 2016 | Audio, DeRouchie, Humanity, Sin, Theology
This is the first post in a new series of studies titled “BIG & small Questions of the Faith.” These recordings are my responses to major and minor theological questions that my family and Sunday School class have raised. I pray that they will serve... by Jason DeRouchie | May 22, 2015 | Audio, Biblical Theology Themes, Complete Bibliography, Covenant, DeRouchie, People of God, The Church, Theology, Video
In my own walk of faith, God led me on a ten-year journey before I became a convinced credo Baptist. Ultimately, it was biblical theology that finally pushed me over the fence, and in the following presentation I expound some of the biblical-theological arguments that... by Jason DeRouchie | Jan 26, 2015 | Death & Resurrection, DeRouchie, God, Humanity, Love & Grace, Salvation, Theology
This is a beautiful but crooked world, where babies are created and at times do not live. The Lord gives yet sometimes also takes away (Job 1:21), and when he does there is deep pain. There is pain, and there are many difficult questions. In the last two months, two... by Jason DeRouchie | Sep 23, 2014 | Audio, DeRouchie, God, Sin, The Gospel, Video
Dr. DeRouchie recently preached on the problem of pain at Bethlehem College and Seminary. After reading an excerpt of his manuscript, the links to the audio, video, and full PDF manuscript are found at the bottom of this post. Stated simply, the problem of pain is... by Jason DeRouchie | Jan 10, 2014 | Biblical Theology Themes, DeRouchie, Love & Grace, The Gospel
How is love generated in our lives? The apostle Paul tells us in 1 Timothy 1:5, “The aim of our charge is love that issues from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith.” Love Overflows from a Pure Heart From the heart “flow the springs of life”...