by Jason DeRouchie | Apr 19, 2016 | Audio, Biblical Theology Themes, Creation, DeRouchie, God, Lectures, Theology
“BIG & small Questions of the Faith.” These recordings are my responses to major and minor theological questions that my family and Sunday School class have raised. I pray that they will serve the broader community of faith both by supplying...
by Jason DeRouchie | Apr 12, 2016 | Audio, DeRouchie, Humanity, Sin, Sin, Theology
“BIG & small Questions of the Faith.” These recordings are my responses to major and minor theological questions that my family and Sunday School class have raised. I pray that they will serve the broader community of faith both by...
by Jason DeRouchie | Apr 5, 2016 | Audio, DeRouchie, Humanity, Sin, Theology
This is the first post in a new series of studies titled “BIG & small Questions of the Faith.” These recordings are my responses to major and minor theological questions that my family and Sunday School class have raised. I pray that they will serve... by Jason DeRouchie | Dec 3, 2015 | Audio, Biblical Theological Overview of the Bible, Biblical Theology Themes, DeRouchie, People of God, Prophets & Prophecy, The Consummation
In the OT, Zephaniah is the Savior’s Summons to Satisfaction. Here the OT prophet pleads for the Lord’s people to patiently pursue God in community––to seek the Lord together (Zeph 2:1, 3) in order to avoid punishment and to wait on the Lord (Zeph 3:8) in... by Jason DeRouchie | May 22, 2015 | Audio, Biblical Theology Themes, Complete Bibliography, Covenant, DeRouchie, People of God, The Church, Theology, Video
In my own walk of faith, God led me on a ten-year journey before I became a convinced credo Baptist. Ultimately, it was biblical theology that finally pushed me over the fence, and in the following presentation I expound some of the biblical-theological arguments that... by Jason DeRouchie | Dec 24, 2014 | Audio, Biblical Theological Overview of the Bible, Biblical Theology Themes, Books, Complete Bibliography, DeRouchie, Exile & Exodus, Lectures, Love & Grace, People of God, Text, The Kingdom of God, Worship, Wrath
2020-2021 Old Testament Lectures with PowerPoint Slides (Jason S. DeRouchie Ⓒ 2022) Chronicles Lectures A, B: PowerPoint PDF / Handout Chronicles Lecture A: Audio Chronicles Lecture B: Audio Extended Book Notes on Chronicles (Jason S. DeRouchie Ⓒ 2022)... by Jason DeRouchie | Dec 10, 2014 | Articles/Essays, Audio, Biblical Theological Overview of the Bible, Biblical Theology Themes, Books, Complete Bibliography, Covenant, DeRouchie, Exile & Exodus, Lectures, Love & Grace, Observation, Text
2020-2021 Old Testament Lectures with PowerPoint Slides (Jason S. DeRouchie Ⓒ 2022) Ezra-Nehemiah Lecture: PowerPoint PDF / Handout Ezra-Nehemiah Lecture: Audio Extended Book Notes on Ezra-Nehemiah (Jason S. DeRouchie Ⓒ 2022) Ezra-Nehemiah (Lecture 28) Blog... by Jason DeRouchie | Dec 1, 2014 | Audio, Bible Study, Context, Covenant, DeRouchie, Law, Meaning, Observation, Text
Recently, at the 2014 annual meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society in San Diego, CA, Dr. DeRouchie presented a paper titled “The Heart of YHWH and His Chosen One in 1 Samuel 13:14.” Below you can download or listen to an audio of his ETS... by Jason DeRouchie | Nov 24, 2014 | Articles/Essays, Audio, Biblical Theological Overview of the Bible, Biblical Theology Themes, Books, Complete Bibliography, DeRouchie, Exile & Exodus, Lectures, People of God, Shalom
2020-2021 Old Testament Lectures with PowerPoint Slides (Jason S. DeRouchie Ⓒ 2022) Esther Lecture: PowerPoint PDF / Handout Esther Lecture: Audio Extended Book Notes on Esther (Jason S. DeRouchie Ⓒ 2022) Esther (Lecture 27) Audio Messages with... by Jason DeRouchie | Nov 17, 2014 | Articles/Essays, Audio, Biblical Theological Overview of the Bible, Biblical Theology Themes, Books, Complete Bibliography, DeRouchie, Exile & Exodus, Lectures, Love & Grace, People of God, Prophets & Prophecy, The Glory of God, The Gospel
2020-2021 Old Testament Lectures with PowerPoint Slides (Jason S. DeRouchie Ⓒ 2022) Daniel Lectures A, B: Canon–PowerPoint PDF / Daniel–PowerPoint PDF / Canon Handout / Daniel-Handout Daniel Lecture A (with an Overview of Jesus’s Bible): Audio Daniel...