Lectures on OT Structure––The TaNaK

One of the important elements of whole-Bible theology is learning not only to do grammatical-historical exegesis but also redemptive-historical and canonical exegesis, in the pattern of the New Testament authors. In an earlier lecture I overviewed redemptive history...

Who Is Like You? Only One

WHO IS LIKE YOU? ONLY ONE The prophet Isaiah queried, “To whom will you liken God, or what likeness will you compare with him?” (Isa 40:18). He saw you coming with might, with light––the Sovereign Yahweh with a strong arm to rule, reward, and render recompense. Like a...

A History of Power and Mercy

A History of Power and Mercy: A Prayer Neither has ear heard nor eye seen from days of old a God like you who is working for those who wait. Fear and dismay are cast away as you uphold all who hope in your help and in you find strength. When darkness overshadowed the...

Shine On!

SHINE ON! A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not quench, until he brings justice to victory; and in his name the Gentiles will hope” (Matthew 12:20–21). Shine on amidst care, strife, and grief; Shine on when your soul longs for relief....