by Jason DeRouchie | Jun 1, 2016 | Audio, Christ, Death & Resurrection, DeRouchie, God, Holiness, Salvation, Sin, Sin, Theology, Wrath
BIG & small Questions of the Faith The Question: Is God less glorious because he ordained that evil be? Part 1: The Problem of Natural Evil (Audio/PowerPoint) Part 2: The Problem of Moral Evil (Audio/PowerPoint) Part 3: Reconciling the... by Jason DeRouchie | Jan 28, 2015 | Biblical Theology Themes, DeRouchie, Humanity, The Gospel, Theology, Worship
This past Thursday, January 22, was the 22nd anniversary of Row v. Wade that legalized abortion in the United States. On Thursday some dear friends arrived at the hospital to deliver their baby that bore Trisomy 13 Syndrome. We live in a twisted world where most... by Jason DeRouchie | Sep 23, 2014 | Audio, DeRouchie, God, Sin, The Gospel, Video
Dr. DeRouchie recently preached on the problem of pain at Bethlehem College and Seminary. After reading an excerpt of his manuscript, the links to the audio, video, and full PDF manuscript are found at the bottom of this post. Stated simply, the problem of pain is...