by Jason DeRouchie | Jun 8, 2017 | Audio, Biblical Theological Overview of the Bible, Covenant, Creation, DeRouchie, God, Humanity, Lectures, Salvation, Sin, Sonship, The Bible and Theology
Genesis reveals the stunning beginning of the greatest story ever told. God crafts a marvelous universe with the power of his word, forms man into his own image, and places him into a garden, lavish and abundant. And yet, Genesis also holds bitter sorrow. The serpent... by Jason DeRouchie | Apr 19, 2016 | Audio, Biblical Theology Themes, Creation, DeRouchie, God, Lectures, Theology
“BIG & small Questions of the Faith.” These recordings are my responses to major and minor theological questions that my family and Sunday School class have raised. I pray that they will serve the broader community of faith both by supplying...