Behold Your God!

A POETIC MEDITATION ON THE HOPE OF ISAIAH 40 “Behold your God!” comes the alarm. With mighty arm he rules and saves. The shepherd-king, his word is sure No war or roar; his sheep secure, though grass withers and flowers fade.   Good news announced; he comes with...

KINGDOM Bible Reading Plan

In light of the approaching New Year, we wanted to take this chance to highlight Dr. DeRouchie’s Bible reading plan. Below is an excerpt from the original post and the link provided will take you to the reading plan itself. We hope that this will prove useful...

Light for the Fight

LIGHT FOR THE FIGHT Jason S. DeRouchie (3/9/14) And I will lead the blind in a way that they do not know, in paths that they have not known I will guide them. I will turn the darkness before them into light, the rough places into level ground. These are the things I...

The LORD Is Our Shepherd

The LORD is our shepherd; we shall not need. Green pasture rest we receive, and you lead Us by calm waters, our souls to restore, On paths of righteousness forevermore–– All for your name’s sake. Even though we walk through the valley, Death’s shadow shall not...