Lectures on Esther

2020-2021 Old Testament Lectures with PowerPoint Slides (Jason S. DeRouchie Ⓘ 2022) Esther Lecture: PowerPoint PDF / Handout Esther Lecture: Audio   Extended Book Notes on Esther (Jason S. DeRouchie Ⓘ 2022) Esther (Lecture 27)     Audio Messages with...

Blog Posts

Substantive Blog Posts Psalm 121: What It Means That Yahweh Is Your Guardian (Desiring God, Jan 27, 2012) Which Is the Real Ten Commandments? (The Gospel Coalition, Aug 27, 2012) Love God with Your Everything (Desiring God, Oct 10, 2013) Five Facts About Loving God...

Is Masturbation Okay?

Sexual intimacy within marriage is a beautiful gift from God. It’s an outlet for play and passion, and it nurtures closeness with your spouse, supplying a unique context for giving and receiving love. As a father, I long for my children to enjoy the bond of marriage...