by Jason DeRouchie | Jun 1, 2016 | Audio, Christ, Death & Resurrection, DeRouchie, God, Holiness, Salvation, Sin, Sin, Theology, Wrath
BIG & small Questions of the Faith The Question: Is God less glorious because he ordained that evil be? Part 1: The Problem of Natural Evil (Audio/PowerPoint) Part 2: The Problem of Moral Evil (Audio/PowerPoint) Part 3: Reconciling the... by Jason DeRouchie | May 25, 2016 | Audio, Biblical Theology Themes, Christ, Death & Resurrection, DeRouchie, Sacrifice, Salvation, Sin, The Gospel, Theology
“BIG & small Questions of the Faith.” These recordings are my responses to major and minor theological questions that my family and Sunday School class have raised. I pray that they will serve the broader community of faith both by supplying biblically... by Jason DeRouchie | May 13, 2016 | Audio, Christ, Complete Bibliography, DeRouchie, Humanity, Sin, Sin, Theology, Worship, Wrath
The US President and his supporters are making a full-on assault against biblical definitions of maleness and femaleness, claiming that our gender identity and expression do not have to align with our God-given biological sex. This is an abomination to the Lord. How...
by Jason DeRouchie | Apr 26, 2016 | Audio, Biblical Theology Themes, Death & Resurrection, DeRouchie, Humanity, Justice, Sin, Theology, Wrath
“BIG & small Questions of the Faith.” These recordings are my responses to major and minor theological questions that my family and Sunday School class have raised. I pray that they will serve the broader community of faith both by supplying biblically...
by Jason DeRouchie | Apr 12, 2016 | Audio, DeRouchie, Humanity, Sin, Sin, Theology
“BIG & small Questions of the Faith.” These recordings are my responses to major and minor theological questions that my family and Sunday School class have raised. I pray that they will serve the broader community of faith both by... by Jason DeRouchie | Nov 10, 2014 | Audio, Biblical Theological Overview of the Bible, Biblical Theology Themes, DeRouchie, Exile & Exodus, Lectures, Prophets & Prophecy, Shalom, Sin, The City of God, Worship, Wrath
2020-2021 Old Testament Lectures with PowerPoint Slides (Jason S. DeRouchie Ⓒ 2022) **Please note that the audio for Lamentations is missing. Dr. DeRouchie will be recording this audio in the Spring of 2023 for upload. Thank you for your patience! Lamentations... by Jason DeRouchie | Sep 23, 2014 | Audio, DeRouchie, God, Sin, The Gospel, Video
Dr. DeRouchie recently preached on the problem of pain at Bethlehem College and Seminary. After reading an excerpt of his manuscript, the links to the audio, video, and full PDF manuscript are found at the bottom of this post. Stated simply, the problem of pain is... by Jason DeRouchie | Mar 18, 2014 | Biblical Theology Themes, Creation, DeRouchie, Sin
Joshua from Seguin, TX, writes: We are currently doing a study of the story of Noah and the flood in our adult Sunday School class in light of the upcoming movie being released. We have not been going verse by verse in this study instead we have been looking at the... by Jason DeRouchie | Nov 6, 2013 | Biblical Theology Themes, Christ, Covenant, DeRouchie, God, Sacrifice, Salvation, Sin, The Gospel, Theology
Paul said that the old covenant mediated by Moses bore a “ministry of condemnation” (2 Corinthians 3:9). What does this mean, and would Moses have agreed? The Book of Deuteronomy clarifies three things: 1) Moses’s old covenant plea, 2) the people’s old...