by Jason DeRouchie | May 12, 2014 | Articles/Essays, Audio, Biblical Theological Overview of the Bible, Biblical Theology Themes, Books, Covenant, DeRouchie, Exile & Exodus, Holiness, Law, Lectures, Love & Grace, People of God, The Kingdom of God
2020-2021 Old Testament Lectures with PowerPoint Slides (Jason S. DeRouchie Ⓒ 2022) Exodus Lectures A, B: PowerPoint PDF / Handout Exodus Lecture A: Audio Exodus Lecture B: Audio Seminary Lecture Notes: Exodus (Jason S. DeRouchie Ⓒ 2022) Lect 04-Exodus... by Jason DeRouchie | May 5, 2014 | Articles/Essays, Audio, Books, Complete Bibliography, DeRouchie, Lectures
2020-2021 Old Testament Lectures with PowerPoint Slides (Jason S. DeRouchie Ⓒ 2022) Genesis Lectures A, B, C: PowerPoint PDF / Handout Genesis Lecture A: Audio Genesis Lecture B: Audio Genesis Lecture C: Audio Seminary Lecture Notes on... by Jason DeRouchie | Apr 30, 2014 | Articles/Essays, Audio, Books, Complete Bibliography, DeRouchie, Lectures
2020-2021 Old Testament Lectures with PowerPoint Slides (Jason S. DeRouchie Ⓒ 2022) Overview of the Old Testament Lectures A, B: PowerPoint PDF / Handout Overview of the Old Testament Lecture A: Audio Overview of the Old Testament Lecture B: Audio Intro... by Jason DeRouchie | Mar 31, 2014 | Articles/Essays, Biblical Theology Themes, DeRouchie, Humanity, The Gospel, Theology
Seasons of suffering in life are as sure as March snow flurries in Minnesota. And such climate shifts test trust, materialize maturity, and make us long for spring. In the not so distant past, God let a blizzard of pain hit my home that drained our fuel and tried our... by Jason DeRouchie | Mar 29, 2014 | Articles/Essays, Biblical Theology Themes, Death & Resurrection, DeRouchie, Humanity, Love & Grace, People of God, Theology
The loss of a child is painful, deeply painful. Fifteen years ago, my wife and I experienced our first certain miscarriage. I was a new dad, and then, just like that, it was over. The loss was so unexpected. The ache went deep, to my soul’s core. And in the midst of... by Jason DeRouchie | Jan 10, 2014 | Articles/Essays, Biblical Theology Themes, DeRouchie, Law
In 2012 The Gospel Coalition had collected questions from readers and asked various scholars to provide answers. One Old Testament question was submitted to Dr. Jason DeRouchie. This post links Dr. DeRouchie’s response to the following question: Chris M. from... by Jason DeRouchie | Oct 1, 2013 | Articles/Essays, Bible Study, Biblical Theology Themes, Context, Covenant, DeRouchie, Mission, Observation, Text
In this essay, DeRouchie shapes a biblical theology of Genesis through discourse analysis and a close eye to content. Beginning with the observation that the ten toledot that shape the structure of the book are distinguished by whether they lack or include a... by Jason DeRouchie | Jul 29, 2013 | Articles/Essays, Biblical Theology Themes, Covenant, DeRouchie, Holiness, People of God
In this essay, DeRouchie explores the biblical meaning of circumcision and evaluates how the translators of the official Targums handled metaphorical circumcision language. This essay was originally published in the Bulletin for Biblical Research 14.2 (2004) 175–203....