by Jason DeRouchie | Sep 1, 2014 | Audio, Biblical Theological Overview of the Bible, Biblical Theology Themes, DeRouchie, Lectures, Priest, Prophets & Prophecy, Shalom, Wisdom
2020-2021 Old Testament Lectures with PowerPoint Slides (Jason S. DeRouchie Ⓒ 2022) Psalms Lectures A, B, C: PowerPoint PDF / Handout 1 / Handout 2 Psalms Lecture A: Audio Psalms Lecture B: Audio Psalms Lecture C: Audio Extended Book Notes... by Jason DeRouchie | Oct 1, 2013 | Articles/Essays, Bible Study, Biblical Theology Themes, Context, Covenant, DeRouchie, Mission, Observation, Text
In this essay, DeRouchie shapes a biblical theology of Genesis through discourse analysis and a close eye to content. Beginning with the observation that the ten toledot that shape the structure of the book are distinguished by whether they lack or include a...