Your Steadfast Love

YOUR STEADFAST LOVE Your steadfast love, O Lord, endures, Meeting our rebellion with grace. When the lures of sin entangle, You humble us and show your face. When anxiety seems to strangle, You quiet us and this promise make: A tangled heart you can untie, And a...

Our Victor and Our Supply

OUR VICTOR AND OUR SUPPLY Lord, you are holy, the earth displays your glory; We are imagers, shaped to proclaim your fame. You are mighty, the hope of every human; We are weak, called to trust are the King. You are true and forever faithful; We need you fresh mercies...

Fill Us, O Lord

A Prayer of Praise: Fill Us, O Lord Your voice is ringing, calling, urging all who hear to come, all who are thirsty to drink, all who are empty to be filled, all who are hungry to eat. You are the living water. You are the bread of life. You heal the sick. You guide...

For the Glory of the Trinity

A Prayer of Praise Holy Father, you know best, Sowing rest. Though we are pressed, You still bless and only test To make us more true. You never tire or expire. Your fire purifies desire. You require but ever inspire. We admire our supplier Who replaces old with new....