
GearTalk Podcast Episodes More episodes and transcripts are being added regularly. See for more.   Episode 42: Servant Song 1: Isaiah 42:1–9 Episode 43: Servant Song 2: Isaiah 49:1–13 Episode 44: Servant Song 3:...

Is Every Promise “Yes”? Old Testament Promises and the Christian

The promises of God…. What we dread or hope for tomorrow changes who we are today. This foundational Christian doctrine colors all of our lives as believers, both in times of temptation and trial. God’s promises motivate holiness and awaken expectation and confidence...

A Response to Old-Earth Arguments

Dr. Grudem usually uses Scripture to ground his Christian doctrine and ethics. However, he supports his belief in an old earth with almost no biblical evidence, dismisses the proposals of scientists guided by God’s word, and follows an interpretation of the observable...