A Prayer of Praise from Psalm 111
We praise you, O Yahweh, through Christ who makes our prayers possible! With the psalmist, I give thanks to you with my whole heart, in this company of the upright, in the congregation that you have purchased through Jesus’s blood. Great are your works, O LORD, studied by all who delight in them. From creation through the fall to redemption and unto consummation, full of splendor and majesty is your work, and your righteousness endures forever. From east to west, from north to south, from the deepest depths to the highest peaks, you have caused your wondrous works to be remembered; you, O Yahweh, are gracious and merciful, saving sinners and sustaining all who look to you. You provide food for those who fear you; you remember your covenant forever, your commitment to remain faithful to all you have redeemed.
You have shown your people the power of your works, in giving us the inheritance of the nations, all through Christ and for Christ. The works of your hands are faithful and just––every finger, every heart valve, every chromosome count you have ordained, and no purpose of yours can be thwarted. All your precepts are trustworthy; they are established forever and ever, to be performed with faithfulness and uprightness by those to whom you supply strength and dependence. You sent redemption to your people through the person of your Son; you have commanded your covenant forever, and all of your purposes will stand. We rest knowing not what tomorrow holds, but knowing the One who holds every moment, every breath, and meets it with fresh mercy at dawn.
Holy and awesome is your name! “Jesus!” Yahweh saves! “Immanuel!” God with us! “Rock, Refuge, Healer, Helper, Servant, Savior, Shepherd, Shield, Anointed One, Holy One, Teacher, Tower, Counselor, King, Father, Friend, Light, Life, Hope of Israel, Lord of Armies, Protector, Fortress, the True God.” The fear of Yahweh is the beginning of wisdom; all those who practice it have a good understanding. Your praise endures forever! And we thank you that this day, this moment, in this place you are here, never to leave and never to forsake those who are yours.
In Jesus’s exalted name we pray. Amen.
––Jason S. DeRouchie (1/20/2019)