GearTalk Podcast Episodes
More episodes and transcripts are being added regularly. See for more.
- Episode 1: What is Biblical Theology?
- Episode 2: The Three-Part Arrangement of Jesus’s Bible
- Episode 3: What Did the Prophets Know? A Consideration of 1 Peter 1:10–12
- Episode 4: The Second Exodus, Part 1
- Episode 5: The Second Exodus, Part 2
- Episode 8: Text or Event, Part 1
- Episode 9: Text or Event, Part 2
- Episode 10: Matthew
- Episode 11: Text or Event, Part 3
- Episode 12: Biblical Languages and English Speakers
- Episode 13: Four Presuppositions
- Episode 14: Ten Reasons the Old Testament Matters
- Episode 15: TOCMA
- Episode 17: Three Systems
- Episode 19: Genesis 2:4–14
- Episode 20: Genesis 2:5–15
- Episode 21: Do We See the Trinity in the Old Testament
- Episode 22: Preach It! Part One
- Episode 23: Preach It! Part Two
- Episode 25: Backward and Forward
- Episode 26: OT Passages Describing the King as God
- Episode 27: Using Biblical Theology to Reach the Nations
- Episode 29: Revering God: Punishment on the Day of the Lord
- Episode 30: Seeking God and Waiting: Hope of the Day of the Lord
- Episode 31: Rejoicing Then and Now: Pleasures on the Day of the Lord
- Episode 37: Why Missions
- Episode 38: How Missions
- Episode 39: Now Missions
- Episode 42: Servant Song 1: Isaiah 42:1–9
- Episode 43: Servant Song 2: Isaiah 49:1–13
- Episode 44: Servant Song 3: Isaiah 50:4–11
- Episode 45: Servant Song 4: Isaiah 52:13–53:12
- Episode 47: The Curse Abolished
- Episode 48: How to Read a Book (of Theology)
- Episode 49: Bible Introductions, Study Bibles, and Commentaries
- Episode 50: Seeing and Savoring the Divine Son in All of Scripture
- Episode 51: Two Case Studies on Seeing Christ in the OT
- Episode 52: The Biblical Covenants in Salvation History
- Episode 53: The Lion-Lamb in Revelation
- Episode 54: OT Background to Revelation’s Lamb Imagery (Part 1)
- Episode 55: OT Background to Revelation’s Lamb Imagery (Part 2)
- Episode 56: OT Background to Revelation’s Lamb Imagery (Part 3)
- Episode 58: The Dragon and His Offspring (Part 1)
- Episode 59: The Dragon and His Offspring (Part 2)
- Episode 60: The Dragon and His Offspring (Part 3)
- Episode 64: Babylon and the New Jerusalem (Part 1)
- Episode 65: Babylon and the New Jerusalem (Part 2)
- Episode 67: Jason DeRouchie’s Journey
- Episode 68: Attractions of Idolatry
- Episode 69: Theological Factors that Contributed to the Rise of Islam in Christian Contexts
- Episode 74: The Plea
- Episode 75: The Problem: Israel’s Spiritual Disability
- Episode 76: The Promise: A New Prophet, Changed Hearts, and Real Love
- Episode 77: The Promise Fulfilled: Deuteronomy 30
- Episode 78: Biblical Theology in Pictures
- Episode 79: New Testament Perspective on the Old Testament’s Audience and Perspective
- Episode 80: Old Testament Perspective on the Old Testament’s Audience and Perspective
- Episode 81: The Light and Lens Necessary to Fully Understand the OT
- Episode 82: How Jesus Makes Moses’s Law Matter
- Episode 83: When Jesus Maintains the Law
- Episode 84: When Jesus Transforms the Law
- Episode 85: The Importance of Promises
- Episode 86: Relating Old Testament Promises to Christians
- Episode 87: Claiming Old Testament Promises Through Christ (Part Two)
- Episode 88: Claiming Old Testament Promises Through Christ (Part Two)
- Episode 101: Sovereign Joy
- Episode 119: A Scholar’s Journey
- Episode 120: How Should Christians Think about the Apocrypha?
- Episode 121: Three Contexts When Reading the Prophets
- Episode 122: The Close Context
- Episode 123: The Continuing Context
- Episode 124: The Complete Context
- Yahweh is Your Keeper: A Sermon on Psalm 121 (30 Nov 2006, Northwestern College Chapel)
- Loved and Loving: Living in the Gospel Light––A Sermon on 1 John 2:7–14 (21–22 Mar 2009, Bethlehem Baptist Church)
- Yahweh our God, Yahweh is One: A Sermon on Deuteronomy 6:4 (16 Mar 2010, Northwestern College Chapel)
- Context for Loving Yahweh Our One God: A Sermon on Deuteronomy 6:6-9 (18 Mar 2010, Northwestern College Chapel)
- The God Who Does Not Wipe Out Rebels: A Sermon on How Genesis 1–3 Gives Hope to Sinners (9 Sept 2010, Bethlehem College & Seminary Chapel)
- Yahweh Our Guardian–Our Help: A Sermon on Psalm 121 (29 Sept 2011, Bethlehem College & Seminary Chapel)
- An Open Statement of the Truth: A Sermon from 2 Corinthians 4:2 on Ministry of the Word in a Secular Context (1 Mar 2012, Bethlehem College & Seminary Chapel)
- A Gospel Charge with the Aim of Love: An Ordination Sermon from 1 Timothy 1:3–7 (23 June 2013, Five Points Community Church)
- Written on the Heart and Read by All: A Sermon on the New Covenant from Jeremiah 31:31–34 (26–27 Oct 2014, Bethlehem Baptist Church)
- The Problem of Suffering and the Presence of Our Saving Shepherd: A Sermon from Ecclesiastes (18 Sept 2014, Bethlehem College & Seminary Chapel)
- For the Sake of His Name: A Mission to Magnify the Majesty of Christ: A Sermon on Rom 1:1–7 (12 Oct 2014, First Evangelical Free Church)
- Confronting the Transgender Storm: A Sermon on Deuteronomy 22:5 (5 Nov 2015; Bethlehem College & Seminary Chapel)
- Loving the Needy: A Sermon on Deuteronomy 10:16–19 (8 April 2016, Bethlehem College & Seminary Chapel)
- Finding Joy amidst Life’s Enigmas: A Sermon on Ecclesiastes 11:7–12:1 (8 Oct 2016; Indulge Conference; Bethlehem College & Seminary)
- Fearing and Following God: A Sermon on Ecclesiastes 12:13–14 (31 Jan 2018, Bethlehem College & Seminary Chapel)
- Calling on the Name of the Lord: A Sermon on Zephaniah 3:9–10 (20 Feb 2019, Bethlehem College & Seminary Chapel)
- Psalm 45: A Wedding Meditation (15 June 2019, Bethlehem Baptist Church)
- Be Satisfied in the Lord Always: A Sermon on Ecclesiastes 11:7–12:1 (3 Sept 2019, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary)
- Jesus Died to Make Us Self-Controlled (October 3, 2023, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary)
- The Redeeming Judge Supplies Rest and Reward: A Sermon on Revelation 14:1–13 (Master’s Community Church, 2023)
- The Saints Sure Hope: Christ Wins … Forever––A Sermon on the Book of Daniel (Oct 2, 2022)
- Why Missions? (Fusion Youth Weekend, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, October 22, 2022)
- How Missions? (Fusion Youth Weekend, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, October 22, 2022)
- Now Missions! (Fusion Youth Weekend, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, October 22, 2022)
- Sermon on Romans 10:5-21 (2020, Emmaus, KCMO)
- Jesus Died to Make Us Self-Controlled (October 3, 2023, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary)
- The Redeeming Judge Supplies Rest and Reward: A Sermon on Revelation 14:1–13 (Master’s Community Church, 2023)
- The Gospel, Missions, and Sovereign Joy (Sovereign Joy Baptist Church Summer Gatherings, 2024)
- Rejoicing in Rescue When Death is Gain (Sovereign Joy Baptist Church Summer Gatherings, 2024)
- God Has Spoken to Us in a Son: A Sermon on Hebrews 1:1–4 (Sovereign Joy Baptist Church, September 22, 2024)
- Pursing Maturity with God’s Help: A Sermon on Hebrews 5:11–6:12 (Sovereign Joy Baptist Church, November 3, 2024)
- The Necessity of Jesus’s New Sacrificial Work: A Sermon on Hebrews 10:1–18 (Sovereign Joy Baptist Church, December 22, 2024)
- Seven Fruits of Faith: A Sermon on Hebrews 11:23–31 (Sovereign Joy Baptist Church, February 9, 2025)
Other Audio Resources
- Biblical and Historical Perspectives on Why We Still Need the Biblical Languages (16 Nov 2009, Bethlehem College & Seminary)
- A Walk-Through KINGDOM (9 Nov 2013, Bible Educators’ Seminar: Heritage Christian Academy)
- The Old Testament in 10 Minutes (4 Feb 2014, Desiring God Conference for Pastors)
- The Heart of YHWH and His Chosen One in 1 Samuel 13:14 (19 Nov 2014, Annual Meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society)
- Father of a Multitude of Nations: New Covenant Ecclesiology in Old Testament Perspective (26 Mar 2015; Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, PhD Colloquium Series)
- Is Every Promise ‘Yes’? Old Testament Promises and the Christian (23 Feb 2017, Lecture Commemorating my promotion to full Professor of Old Testament and Biblical Theology, Bethlehem College & Seminary)
- Interview on How to Understand and Apply the Old Testament (3 Sept 2017; Equipping You in Grace)
- For Our Instruction: Jesus’s Bible as Christian Scripture (23 Sept 2017, Eureka! Conference, Bethlehem College & Seminary)
- Thinking How to See and Savor the Divine Son in All of Scripture (22 Sept 2018, Think Revisited Conference, Bethlehem College & Seminary)
- Seven Ways to See and Savor the Divine Son in All of Scripture (28 Jan 2019, Bethlehem Conference for Pastor’s and Church Leaders)
- Preaching Deuteronomy (18 Feb 2019, Preaching and Preachers Podcast)
- The Gospel and the Church’s Ministry to the Poor (8 Dec, 2018, Northfield Community Church)
- For the Sake of Christ’s Name among the Nations: The Theme of Missions in Scripture (9 Dec, 2018, Northfield Community Church)
- Psalm 45: A Wedding Meditation (15 June 2019, Bethlehem Baptist Church)
- Biblical Theology and the Old Testament: Part 1 (20 Oct 2019, Center for Biblical Studies at Midwestern Seminary Podcast)
- Biblical Theology and the Old Testament: Part 2 (27 Oct 2019, Center for Biblical Studies at Midwestern Seminary Podcast)
- Tips for Preaching the Old Testament (18 Nov, 2019, Preaching and Preachers Podcast)
- How Does Biblical Theology Help Us See and Celebrate Christ in the Old Testament? (20 Nov, 2019, Evangelical Theological Society)
- The Old Testament Law and the Christian (18 Jan, 2020, Indianapolis Seminary)
- Interview with Oren Martin and Andy Naselli on 40 Questions about Biblical Theology (8 Dec, 2020, Books at a Glance)
- Canonical Arrangement (2020, Evangelical Theological Society)
- Why Should I Read the Old Testament? (2020, Ask the Experts at MBTS)
- The Hermeneutical Significance of the Shape of the Christian Canon (2020, MBTS Colloquy)
- A Vision for Theological Education that Is for the Church (Evangelical Theological College in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, May 14, 2021)
- The Promises of God and the Prosperity Gospel: Lecture 1 (Evangelical Theological College in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, May 12, 2021)
- The Promises of God and the Prosperity Gospel: Lecture 2 (Evangelical Theological College in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, May 12, 2021)
- The Biblical Covenants in Salvation History (ETS Nov, 2021, Fort Worth, TX)
- Rejoicing in Hope: Understanding and Applying Zephaniah, Lecture 1: Seek the Lord Together to Avoid Punishment (Zeph 1:1–3:7) (Hugh D. Brown Lectures, Irish Bible College, Jan 13, 2022)
- Rejoicing in Hope: Understanding and Applying Zephaniah, Lecture 2: Wait for the Lord in Order to Enjoy Satisfying Salvation (Zeph 3:8–20) (Hugh D. Brown Lectures, Irish Bible College, Jan 13, 2022)
- Interpreting Old Testament Wisdom (Christian Challenge Leader Training, Kansas State University, Jan 17, 2022)
- Missions in the Old Testament and the Horn of Africa, an episode of “The Missions Podcast” with Alex Kocman (Originally appeared on Used with permission. September, 2022)
- Revering God: Punishment on the Day of the Lord (Lecture 1 of W. H. Griffith Thomas Memorial Lectures at Dallas Theological Seminary; Feb 2023)
- Seeking God and Waiting: Hope on the Day of the Lord (Lecture 2 of W. H. Griffith Thomas Memorial Lectures at Dallas Theological Seminary; Feb 2023)
- Rejoicing Then and Now: Pleasures on the Day of the Lord (Lecture 3 of W. H. Griffith Thomas Memorial Lectures at Dallas Theological Seminary; Feb 2023)
- Book Talk with Andrew King on Five Views of Christ in the Old Testament (Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2022)
- Encountering The God of Sinai & Salvation, an Interview with Tim Mahoney (Patterns of Evidence Foundation, November, 2022)
- Two Case Studies of Christ in the Old Testament (Paper presented at ETS, 2023)
- Greater is He: Spiritual Warfare for Kingdom Advance (Part 1 of the Evangelical Theological College presentation in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. April 7, 2023)
- Greater is He: Spiritual Warfare for Kingdom Advance (Part 2 of the Evangelical Theological College presentation in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. April 7, 2023)
- The Long History of God’s Love for Africa (Shashamane, Ethiopia, 2023)
- Relating Moses’s Law to Christians Today (Theology for the Church Podcast, March 25, 2024)
- Zephaniah’s Macrostructure (Evangelical Theological Society, 2024)