In the summer of 2011 I was blessed with the trip of a lifetime. Canyon Ministries and Answers In Genesis invited me to participate in their annual Christian Leaders’ Trip, which included eight days of whitewater rafting down 180 miles of the Colorado River through the heart of the Grand Canyon with an international group of twenty-five Christian brothers made up of young and old earthers of various stripes. Does it get any better than that! I journeyed with my close friends Jim Hamilton (of SBTS),  Andy Naselli (now my colleague at BCS), and Tim Tomlinson (President of BCS), and together we enjoyed great hikes, amazing vistas, and super lectures on creation and the flood from OT scholar Bill Barrick, renowned geologist Andrew Snelling, historian and apologist Terry Mortenson, and grand-daddy river guide Tom Vail. Naturally, the trip was designed to provide an alternative interpretation of the Canyon’s shaping that aligns with the biblical data, and I for one was very encouraged by the balance, clarity, and humility shown by the teaching team. We had great discussions, and I believe God was honored as we journeyed through what is very likely an amazing testimony of divine judgment and mercy (Genesis 6:11–14).

Just recently, Canyon Ministries announced that they will expand to include biblically-based tours of the South Rim of the Grand Canyon, thus making accessible their God-honoring instruction to many more. If you and your family are considering a visit to the Canyon, I strongly encourage you to check out how Canyon Ministries could serve you and your family. Here is their announcement:

Press release:  Grand Canyon, AZ – Canyon Ministries expands to include Biblically-based tours of the South Rim of the Grand Canyon

Canyon Ministries has been doing biblically-based river trips down the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon since 1997.  In January of 2014, Canyon Ministries, with Jon Albert the new Executive Director on board, expanded to provide the only regularly scheduled Biblically-based tours of the South Rim of the Grand Canyon.  Operating under the name A Different View Tours, half-day and full-day tours provide a Biblical perspective of not only how Noah’s Flood was the key to the formation of the geologic layers seen at the canyon, but for the carving of the canyon as well.

Tours are offered daily, except Sunday, in a comfortable air-conditioned 14-passenger bus with large windows, providing panoramic views of the canyon. Our guides have an in-depth knowledge of the geology of the Grand Canyon region, the formation of the canyon, and most importantly, the foundational Biblical implications the Grand Canyon holds.

Reservations can be made online at www.ADifferentViewTours.com.

For additional information:

Contact:           Jon Albert, Executive Director of Canyon Ministries
Email:              [email protected]
Phone:             (928) 251-3000
Website:           www.ADifferentViewTours.com (or www.CanyonMinistries.org)
Jon’s Blog:       CanyonMinistries.org/jons-blog
Facebook:        www.facebook.com/CanyonMinistries

About Canyon Ministries:

In 1980, while managing a corporate computer center for a Fortune 500 company in downtown Los Angeles, Tom Vail took a vacation that would prove to be a turning point in his life – a rafting trip through the Grand Canyon.  Two years later, he left the corporate world behind and became a career rafting guide, leading trips through the Grand Canyon.  His time in the canyon not only led to a career he loved, but also brought about a spiritual change in his life.

In 1994, a passenger on a trip shared the Gospel with Tom, and a few months later, he received Christ as his Lord and Savior.  In 1996, Canyon Ministries ran its first Christ-centered rafting trip through the Grand Canyon. Since then, Canyon Ministries has shared the canyon from a Biblical perspective with thousands of people.

In 2003, Tom published Grand Canyon, a Different View.  The book includes commentaries by some of the leading creation science writers, researchers, and theologians of our time.  It is sold in the National Park bookstores, and created a considerable amount of controversy.  Tom is also one of the co-authors of the True North Series of guidebooks to our National Parks.  A copy of Your Guide to the Grand Canyon, a Different Perspective is provided to each group that joins a rim tour.

In 2013, Jon Albert joined Canyon Ministries as Executive Director to start rim tours, and manage the overall operations.  Jon, who is a former Sr. Pastor, youth leader, and wilderness ministry leader, now resides with his family in Parks, AZ.

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