2020-2021 Old Testament Lectures with PowerPoint Slides (Jason S. DeRouchie Ⓒ 2022)

Joshua Lecture: PowerPoint PDF / Handout

Joshua Lecture: Audio


Seminary Lecture Notes on Joshua (Jason S. DeRouchie Ⓒ 2022)


Publications Related to Historical Narrative and Joshua (Jason S. DeRouchie Ⓒ 2018)


Audio Messages with PowerPoint Slides (Jason S. DeRouchie Ⓒ 2014)


(Audio Download: OTA7.1-Joshua-DeRouchie); (PowerPoint Download: OTPP7.1-Joshua-DeRouchie [PDF])


(Audio Download: OTA7.2-Joshua-DeRouchie); (PowerPoint Download: OTPP7.2-Joshua-DeRouchie [PDF])



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