
By Grace, Faith, and Christ Alone: A Prayer

By grace alone you save. Our mouths were an open grave, evidencing death and causing death. We were enemies of the king … until you overcame, washing away the stain of sin, removing our stony heart, and making us long and live for you. All is a gift.

By faith alone you save. We were enslaved to sin, depraved under a wave of guilt. We heard your effectual call, and we believed. We received, and we are satisfied as a gift. We had nothing to bring; we cling to you who give everything. We trust, and you justly supply because of what Christ gave.

By Christ alone you save. In him we died; in him we are raised, your mercy supplying our need. His perfect righteousness becomes our path. He now holds us in his grasp. Neither life, nor grave, nor time, nor power can hold back your shower of love. In you we rest.

Lord, from you alone we ask for healing, humility, and hunger––healing from our self-dependence, humility to see our need, and hunger for the righteousness that you alone can give. You save by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone, all to your glory, your honor, and your praise alone.

You alone are the giver; we are the receiver. And today we say, “Thanks,” to you who are the highest and the best. Your reign; you save; and you satisfy. Be our help and be honored in our lives. We pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

––Jason S. DeRouchie (5/29/2016)