by Jason DeRouchie | Jan 17, 2022 | Angels and Demons, Announcements, Articles/Essays, Blog Posts, DeRouchie, God, Love & Grace, The Kingdom of God
DeRouchie, Jason S. “Greater is He: A Primer on Spiritual Warfare for Kingdom Advance.” The Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 25.2 (2021): 21–55. Spiritual warfare is one of those topics that Christians are interested in but nevertheless have many... by Jason DeRouchie | Dec 30, 2021 | Announcements, Biblical Theological Overview of the Bible, Books, Christ, Covenant, Endorsements, The Bible and Theology
Chipman, Todd R. Scripture Storyline: An Invitation to Biblical Theology. Dallas: Fontess, 2020. Are you looking for a Bible Reading Plan for the new year? Todd Chipman is my teaching pastor at The Master’s Community Church, and he also serves as Dean of... by Jason DeRouchie | Jun 18, 2021 | Humanity, Sin, Uncategorized
ABSTRACT: When the first couple sinned, God told the woman, “Your desire shall be contrary to your husband, but he shall rule over you.” Contrary desire and corrupted rule are now the norm for marriages under the curse: instead of submitting to their husbands, wives... by Jason DeRouchie | Dec 31, 2019 | Audio, Christ, DeRouchie, Lectures, The Bible and Theology
If you follow this resource website, you know I often write about seeing Jesus in the Old Testament. I recently presented a paper at the annual meeting for the Evangelical Theological Society on this very topic, and I highlighted seven ways that the practice of... by Jason DeRouchie | Oct 18, 2019 | Articles/Essays, Biblical Theological Overview of the Bible, Christ, DeRouchie, The Bible and Theology
The only Bible Jesus had was what we call the Old Testament, and he said that it was about him. So how can we proclaim Christ faithfully from the Old Testament? In a recent article for Midwestern Magazine I outline five different ways: Proclaim Christ through the Old... by Jason DeRouchie | Aug 20, 2019 | Articles/Essays, Biblical Theological Overview of the Bible, Christ, Context, DeRouchie, Meaning
In the August 2019 issue of Themelios, I provide a biblical-theological foundation for reading the Old Testament in a Christ-centered way. I argue that Jesus himself provides both the light for enabling us to see and savor what is in the OT and the necessary lens that... by Jason DeRouchie | Aug 6, 2019 | Audio, Christ, DeRouchie, Humanity
God designed human marriage as a sign, a pointer, to the union between Christ and his church. Psalm 45 actually predicts the ultimate relationship and by this sets a pattern for human marriage. Following the lead of the messianic King, the husband must provide and... by Jason DeRouchie | Jul 15, 2019 | Articles/Essays, Christ, Creation, Death & Resurrection, DeRouchie, The Gospel
We are nearly two decades into the twenty-first century, and Christians all over the world are still hoping in the resurrection. This hope is not new. We have longed for resurrection since God first awakened faith in the earliest Old Testament saints. Equally,... by Jason DeRouchie | Apr 6, 2019 | Articles/Essays, Biblical Theological Overview of the Bible, Christ, Context, DeRouchie, Meaning, Reviews
“How do I faithfully interpret and preach old covenant materials in a way that embraces that ‘only through Christ’ does God lift the veil, allowing us to fully understand and appropriate their significance (2 Cor 3:14–15)?” This has been one of... by Jason DeRouchie | Nov 9, 2018 | Application, Articles/Essays, Biblical Theological Overview of the Bible, DeRouchie, Scripture
Is the Old Testament still important for Christians? Some professing Christians like Andy Stanley are saying, “No,” but in a recent TGC post, I unpack a number of reasons why Christians must not see the Old Testament as irrelevant, unimportant, or...