
I welcome you to www.jasonderouchie.com. Following the lead of both Jesus and Paul (Matt 4:23; Luke 4:43; Acts 1:3; 20:25; 28:31), I have devoted this website to proclaiming the good news of God’s kingdom—that the reigning God saves and satisfies sinners who believe through Christ Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. The message about God’s reign over God’s people in God’s land for God’s glory climaxes in the person of Christ. The Old Testament provides foundation to this message, and the New Testament shows how Christ fulfills it.

This website is an expression of my hope that my writings, sermons, and lectures would encourage and strengthen the church worldwide for the glory of God. For more on my background and interests, see below.


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By Jason S. DeRouchie © 2025 www.jasonderouchie.com.

Dr. Jason DeRouchie

Dr. Jason DeRouchie

Research Professor of Old Testament and Biblical Theology and Rich and Judy Hastings Endowed Chair of Old Testament Studies at Midwestern Seminary; Content Developer and Global Trainer with Hands to the Plow Ministries; a Pastor of Sovereign Joy Baptist Church in the northland of Kansas City, MO

“… to bring about the obedience of faith for the sake of his name among all the nations” (Rom 1:5).

Hi! My name is Jason DeRouchie, and I am Research Professor of Old Testament and Biblical Theology and Rich and Judy Hastings Endowed Chair of Old Testament Studies at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. I also serve as Content Developer and Global Trainer with Hands to the Plow Ministries and as a pastor of Sovereign Joy Baptist Church in the northland of Kansas City, MO. My passion is to exalt Christ through whole-Bible theology and to help train the next generation of church leaders here and abroad how to faithfully interpret and appropriate their Hebrew Old Testaments as Christian Scripture. My heart longs for the nations to know Christ, and I seek to mobilize men and women to study, practice, and teach God’s word faithfully both here and abroad.

I treasure my wife Teresa, to whom I have been married since 1994. The Lord has blessed us with a table full of children, three of whom came from Ethiopia, a land that we love. As a family, we delight in academic and church ministry and are delighted to be a part of both Midwestern Seminary, Hands to the Plow Ministries, and Sovereign Joy. Our previous years of service and local church involvement have helped us cherish the gospel and love the nations. I now have so many from other cultures whose names and stories I know and whom I love and long to see celebrating Christ in eternity. As a family, we enjoy camping, hiking, canoeing, and moose-watching, and our favorite places to get away are the north shore of Lake Superior and the mountains of Colorado. Whenever possible, I love to return to Ethiopia to help the church train its leaders, care for the poor, and evangelize the lost, including the unreached. Along with leading teaching and service teams through Hands to the Plow, I also help develop resources for training those in under-developed areas.

Before coming to Kansas City, I served as Associate Professor and then Professor of Old Testament and Biblical Theology at Bethlehem College & Seminary (2009–2019), and prior to that I was Assistant Professor of Old Testament and Hebrew at University of Northwestern––St. Paul (2005–2009). From 2005–2019 we were active members of Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minneapolis, MN, where I served as an adult Sunday School teacher and teaching elder. In the past, I also served as an associate pastor of Oak Park Baptist Church in Jeffersonville, IN (2001–2005), and as an instructor of biblical Hebrew and Greek at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and Gordon College (1997–2000). Whether operating as teacher, mentor, or writer, I seek to lead in worship of our glorious God and to mobilize men and women for greater service for the sake of Christ. I hope that the time you spend on this site will move you to exalt our risen and reigning Savior.

Areas of Specialization

  • Old Testament biblical theology
  • Pentateuch with special focus in Deuteronomy
  • Zephaniah
  • Hebrew language
  • Old Testament discourse analysis

Academic Credentials

Ministry Credentials and Experience

  • Pastor/Elder, Sovereign Joy Baptist Church (2024–present)
  • Global Trainer and Content Developer, Hands to the Plow Ministries (2021–present)
  • Research Professor of Old Testament and Biblical Theology, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (2019–present)
  • Teaching Elder, Bethlehem Baptist Church (2017–2019)
  • Professor of Old Testament and Biblical Theology, Bethlehem College & Seminary (2016–2019)
  • Associate Professor of Old Testament and Biblical Theology, Bethlehem College & Seminary (2009–2016)
  • Adult Sunday School Teacher, Bethlehem Baptist Church (2006–2019)
  • Assistant Professor of Old Testament and Hebrew, University of Northwestern – St. Paul (2005–2009)
  • Ordained to the Gospel Ministry, The Southern Baptist Convention (2004)
  • Associate Pastor for Adult Discipleship, Oak Park Baptist Church, Jeffersonville, IN (SBC) (2001–2005)
  • Instructor of Biblical Languages, Gordon College and Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary (1997–2000)


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