Proclaiming the Kingdom
Follow Jason DeRouchie

The Complete Context
JY: Welcome to GearTalk, a podcast on biblical theology. We've been talking about the section of Scripture called the prophets. In our last number of podcasts, we've focused on three contexts. Every interpreter needs to consider when using the prophets. Conveniently,...
The Continuing Context
JY: Welcome to GearTalk, a podcast on biblical theology, or continuing our series on the prophets. We've spent the last couple weeks talking about three contexts we need to keep in mind when interpreting the prophets: the close, continuing, and complete contexts. Last...

The Close Context
JY: Welcome to GearTalk, a podcast on biblical theology. Today, Tom and Jason continue our series on the prophets. Last week, we talked about three contexts. The preacher, teacher, or reader needs to consider when reading the prophets. We talked about the close, the...

Three Contexts When Reading the Prophets
JY: Welcome to GearTalk, a podcast on biblical theology. We're starting a new series on the Prophets. This is the second section in the Old Testament. Today Tom and Jason talk about the Prophets' audience. Who were they writing for? They also talk about the Prophets'...
Seven Fruits of Faith: A Sermon on Hebrews 11:23–31
(Audio Download / PDF) DeRouchie gave this message on 2/9/24 at the Sovereign Joy Baptist Church plant in Liberty, MO. ***** Serving as one of your pastors is a great privilege and joy. I love singing with you, praying with you, and teaching you. I cherish getting to...

How Should Christians Think About the Apocrypha?
JY: Welcome to GearTalk, a podcast on biblical theology. Today we're not focusing exclusively on the books in the Bible. We'll be talking about the Apocrypha. How should Christians think about these ancient writings? Today, Jason and Tom welcome Brian Tabb to the...

A Scholar’s Journey
JY: Welcome to GearTalk, a podcast on biblical theology. Today we're playing another interview we recorded at the Evangelical Theological Society annual meeting in San Diego. This podcast features Tom and Jason, along with Lance Kramer and Ian Valancourt. Ian shares...
The Necessity of Jesus’s New Sacrificial Work: A Sermon on Hebrews 10:1–18
(Audio Download / PDF) DeRouchie gave this message on 12/22/24 at the Sovereign Joy Baptist Church plant in Liberty, MO. ***** Merry Christmas. We’ve chosen to carry our study of Hebrews throughout Advent because the author clearly and repeatedly articulates that the...
Pursing Maturity with God’s Help: A Sermon on Hebrews 5:11–6:12
(Audio Download / PDF) DeRouchie gave this message on 9/22/24 at the Sovereign Joy Baptist Church plant in Liberty, MO. ***** As you find Hebrews 5 in your Bible, I wonder how zealous you are about Jesus and about pursuing his ways. Would your spouse or roommate or...
God Has Spoken to Us in a Son: A Sermon on Hebrews 1:1–4
(Audio Download / PDF) DeRouchie gave this message on 9/22/24 at the Sovereign Joy Baptist Church plant in Liberty, MO. ***** “Jesus Is Better.” This is the title we’ve given our new series in Hebrews. In this book, Jesus is better than angels (1:4), brings better...