

A Call to Covenant Love
What the Old Testament Really Cared About
A Modern Grammar for Biblical Hebrew
How to Understand and Apply the Old Testament
For Our Good Always
  1. A Call to Covenant Love: Text Grammar and Literary Structure in Deuteronomy 5–11. GD30/BS2. Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias, 2007. Reviewed in JSOT5 (2008); BBR 19.3 (2009); RBL 10 (2009); Themelios 36.3 (2011).
  2. A Modern Grammar for Biblical Hebrew, co-author with D. A. Garrett. Nashville: Broadman and Holman, 2009. Reviewed in JETS 52.4 (2009).
  3. A Modern Grammar for Biblical Hebrew: Workbook, co-author with D. A. Garrett. Nashville: Broadman and Holman, 2009).
  4. What the Old Testament Authors Really Cared About: A Survey of Jesus’ Bible, contributing editor. Grand Rapids: Kregel, 2013. Reviewed at (Oct, 2014) and in WTJ 76 (2014); JETS 57.4 (2014); DBSJ 19 (2014); CTR 12.2 (2015); Them 40.2 (2015); JDT 18:54 (2014); BTB 46.3 (2016).
  5. For Our Good Always: Studies on the Message and Influence of Deuteronomy in Honor of Daniel I. Block, contributing co-editor with J. Gile and K. J. Turner. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2013.
  6. How to Understand and Apply the Old Testament: Twelve Steps from Exegesis to Theology. Phillipsburg, NJ: P&R Publishing, 2017.Reviewed at (Mar, 2017); Them 42.2 (2017); JETS 60.2 (2017), Credo Magazine (April 26, 2018), MSJ 29.2 (2018).
  7. 40 Questions about Biblical Theology, co-authored with Oren R. Martin and Andrew David Naselli. Grand Rapids: Kregel, 2020.
  8. Delighting in the Old Testament: Through Christ and for Christ. Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2024.

Book Contributions

Progressive Covenantalism

Articles and Essays

  1. /PDF/ “Circumcision in the Hebrew Bible and Targums: Theology, Rhetoric, and the Handling of Metaphor.” Bulletin for Biblical Research 14.2 (2004): 175–203.
  2. Nine brief articles in The Archaeological Study Bible. Edited by W. C. Kaiser Jr. and D. A. Garrett. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2006: “Circumcision in the Ancient World”; “Ecclesiastes and the Epic of Gilgamesh”; “Haran”; “Mitanni”; “Oracles of the Ancient World”; “Samuel and Saul”; “Texts of the Old Testament”; “Textual Criticism”; “The Ancient Translations.”
  3. /PDF/ “A Life centered on Torah (Ezra 7:10).” An exegetical insight on pp. 249–50 in G. D. Pratico and M. V. Van Pelt Basics of Biblical Hebrew: Grammar, 2nd ed. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2007.
  4. /PDF/ “Deuteronomy as Didactic Poetry? A Critique of D. L. Christensen’s View.” Journal of Asia Adventist Seminary 10.1 (2007): 1–13.
  5. /PDF/ “Christ or Family as the ‘Seed’ of Promise? An Evaluation of N. T. Wright on Galatians 3:16” (co-authored with J. C. Meyer). The Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 14.3 (2010): 36–48.
  6. /PDF/ “Shepherding Wind and One Wise Shepherd: Grasping for Breath in Ecclesiastes.” The Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 15.3 (2011): 4–25.
  7. /PDF/ “The Profit of Employing the Biblical Languages: Scriptural and Historical Reflections.” Themelios 37.1 (2012): 32–50.
  8. /PDF/ “The Blessing-Commission, the Promised Offspring, and the Toledot Structure of Genesis.” Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 56.2 (2013): 219–47.
  9. /PDF/ “The KINGDOM Bible Reading Plan.” In What the Old Testament Authors Really Cared About: A Survey of Jesus’ Bible. Edited by Jason S. DeRouchie. Grand Rapids: Kregel, 2013.
  10. /PDF/ “Jesus’ Bible: An Overview.” Pages 26–54 in What the Old Testament Authors Really Cared About: A Survey of Jesus’ Bible.
  11. /PDF/ “What the Law, Prophets, Writings Are Really About.” Pages 55–59, 163–71, 319–25 in What the Old Testament Authors Really Cared About.
  12. /PDF/ “Leviticus” (co-authored with Jeffrey Mooney). Pages 102–21 in What the Old Testament Authors Really Cared About.
  13. /PDF/ “Deuteronomy.” Pages 140–62 in What the Old Testament Authors Really Cared About.
  14. /PDF/ “1–2 Kings” (co-authored with Donald Fowler). Pages 218–37 in What the Old Testament Authors Really Cared About.
  15. /PDF/ “Ruth” (co-authored with Chris Miller). Pages 326–35 in What the Old Testament Authors Really Cared About.
  16. /PDF/ “Ezra-Nehemiah” (co-authored with Daryl Aaron). Pages 428–41 in What the Old Testament Authors Really Cared About.
  17. /PDF/ “Making the Ten Count: Reflections on the Lasting Message of the Decalogue.” Pages 415–440 in For Our Good Always: Studies on the Message and Influence of Deuteronomy in Honor of Daniel I. Block. Edited by Jason S. DeRouchie, Jason Gile, and Kenneth J. Turner. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2013.
  18. /PDF/ “Counting the Ten: An Investigation into the Numbering of the Decalogue.” Pages 93–125 in For Our Good Always.
  19. /PDF/ “From Condemnation to Righteousness: A Christian Reading of Deuteronomy.” The Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 18.3 (2014): 87–118.
  20. /PDF/ “The Heart of YHWH and His Chosen One in 1 Samuel 13:14.” Bulletin for Biblical Research 24.4 (2014): 467–89.
  21. /PDF/ “Counting Stars with Abraham and the Prophets: New Covenant Ecclesiology in OT Perspective.” Journal for the Evangelical Theological Society 58.3 (2015): 445–85.
  22. /PDF/ Eight short devotionals on “Deuteronomy” in The ESV Men’s Devotional Bible. Edited by Sam Storms. Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2015: “Marveling at Mercy (Deut 4:29–31)” (195); “Why Must I Obey (Deut 6:20–25)” (197); “Defeating Fear (Deut 7:17–26)” (199); “No Longer Stubborn (Deut 9:6)” (201); “Love God and Live (Deut 11:26–28)” (205); “Fickle Promises and a Faithful God (Deut 26:16–19)” (219); “God Is Your Life (Deut 30:19–20)” (225); “The Hope of Resurrection (Deut 32:39)” (227).
  23. /PDF/ “Zephaniah Notes.” Pages 1839–50 in NIV Zondervan Study Bible. Edited by D. A. Carson. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2015.
  24. /PDF/ “Made for Praise: A Meditation on Zephaniah 3:20.” In Devotions on the Hebrew Bible: 54 Reflections to Inspire and Instruction. Edited by Lee M Fields and Martin Eng. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2015, 108–10.
  25. /PDF/ “Father of a Multitude of Nations: New Covenant Ecclesiology in OT Perspective.” Pages 7–38 in Progressive Covenantalism: Charting a Course Between Dispensational and Covenant Theologies. Edited by Stephen J. Wellum and Brent E. Parker. Nashville: Broadman and Holman, 2016.
  26. /PDF/ “Confronting the Transgender Storm: New Covenant Reflections on Deuteronomy 22:5.” Journal for Biblical Manhood and Womanhood 21.1 (2016): 58–69.
  27. /PDF/ “Is Every Promise ‘Yes’? Old Testament Promises and the Christian.” Themelios 42.1 (2017): 16–45.
  28. /PDF/ “Zephaniah Notes.” Pages 1619–27 in NIV Biblical Theology Study BibleEdited by D. A. Carson. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2018.
  29. /PDF/ “Zephaniah.” Pages 561–604 in Malachi–DanielEdited by Ian M. Duguid, James M. Hamilton, and Jay Sklar. ESV Expository Commentary 7. Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2018.
  30. /PDF/ “Foreword.” Pages xvii–xx in Christopher S. Tachick’s “King of Israel” and “Do Not Fear, Daughter of Zion”: The Use of Zephaniah 3 in John 12. Reformed Academic Dissertations. Phillipsburg, NJ: P&R Publishing, 2018.
  31. /PDF/ “Lifting the Veil: Reading and Preaching Jesus’ Bible through Christ and for Christ.” The Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 22.3 (2018): 157–79.
  32. /PDF/ “YHWH’s Future Ingathering in Zephaniah 1:2: Interpreting אָסֹֹף אָסֵף,” Hebrew Studies 59 (2018): 173–91.
  33. /PDF/ “Why the Third Day? The Promise of Resurrection in All of Scripture.” June 11, 2019:
  34. /PDF/ “Foreword.” Page vii in 66 Bible Sonnets by Blaine Turner. 2019.
  35. /PDF/ “A Life centered on Torah (Ezra 7:10).” An exegetical insight on pp. 227–28 in G. D. Pratico and M. V. Van Pelt Basics of Biblical Hebrew: Grammar, 3rd ed. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2019.
  36. /PDF/ “The Mystery Revealed: A Biblical Case for Christ-Centered Old Testament Interpretation.” Themelios 44.2 (2019): 226–48.
  37. /PDF/ “Proclaiming Christ from His Bible.” Midwestern Magazine 38 (2019): 16–19.
  38. /PDF​/ “God Always Wanted the Whole World: Global Missions from Genesis to Revelation.” Dec 5, 2019:
  39. /PDF/ “Resurrection Hope in a Season of Death.” April 8, 2020:
  40. /PDF/ “Foreword.” Pages xiii–xiv in The Serpent in Samuel: A Messianic Motif by Brian A. Verrett. Eugene, OR: Resource, 2020.
  41. /PDF/ “The Addressees in Zephaniah 2:1, 3: Who Should Seek YHWH Together?” Bulletin for Biblical Research 30.2 (2020): 183–207.
  42. /PDF/ “The Use of Leviticus 18:5 in Galatians 3:12: A Redemptive-Historical Reassessment.” Themelios 45.2 (2020): 240–59.
  43. /PDF​/ “Interpreting Scripture: A General Introduction.” TGC’s Concise Theology essays, Sept 2020.
  44. /PDF/ “The Day of the Lord.” TGC’s Concise Theology essays, Sept 2020.
  45. /PDF/ “Zephaniah.” Pages 676–79 in The Baker Illustrated Bible Background Commentary ed. by J. Scott Duvall and J. Daniel Hays. Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 2020.
  46. /PDF/ “Foreword.” Pages xvii–xviii in Scripture Storyline: An Invitation to Biblical Theology by Todd R. Chipman. Dallas: Fontes, 2020.
  47. /PDF/ “Why the Third Day? The Promise of Resurrection in All of Scripture.” Midwestern Journal of Theology 20.1 (2021): 19–34.
  48. /PDF/ “Understanding and Applying Exodus 19:4–6: A Case Study in Exegesis and Theology.” Journal of Biblical and Theological Studies 6.1 (2021): 85–134.
  49. /PDF/ “By the Waters of Babylon: Global Missions from Genesis to Revelation.” Midwestern Journal of Theology 20.2 (2021): 6–30.
  50. /PDF/ “Introduction to the Old Testament.” TGC’s Commentary, Dec 2021.
  51. /PDF/ “Greater is He: A Primer on Spiritual Warfare for Kingdom Advance.” The Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 25.2 (2021): 21–55.
  52. /PDF/ “Zephaniah.” TGC’s Commentary, Jan 2022.
  53. /PDF/ French Version PDF / “The Long History of God’s Love for Africa.” April 07, 2022:
  54. /PDF/ Eight short devotionals on “Deuteronomy” in Daily Strength: A Devotional for Men. Edited by Sam Storms. Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2022: “Marveling at Mercy (Deut 4:29–31)” (56–57); “Why Must I Obey (Deut 6:20–25)” (58–59); “Defeating Fear (Deut 7:17–26)” (59–60); “No Longer Stubborn (Deut 9:6)” (60–61); “Love God and Live (Deut 11:26–28)” (62–63); “Fickle Promises and a Faithful God (Deut 26:16–19)” (63–64); “God Is Your Life (Deut 30:19–20)” (64–65); “The Hope of Resurrection (Deut 32:39)” (65–66).
  55. /PDF/ Additional Notes to “A Response to Old Earth Arguments,” Part of a Dialogue with Wayne Grudem on “How Old Is the Earth?” July 7, 2022:
  56. /PDF/ “Zephaniah: Entreat & Trust––Q&A with Jason S. DeRouchie.” Insight, an official publication of the Association of Baptist Churches in Ireland (Oct–Nov 2022): 16–17.
  57. /PDF/ “Redemptive-Historical, Christocentric Approach.” Pages 181–211 (+ responses on 56–62, 112–17, 163–69, 284–89) in Five Views of Christ in the Old Testament, ed. Brian J. Tabb and Andrew M. King. Counterpoints Series. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2022.
  58. /PDF/ “YHWH’s Judgment Is New Every Morning: Zephaniah 3:5 And The Light of The World.” Trinity Journal 43 NS (2022): 131–46.
  59. /PDF/ “A Biblical Vision for Theological Higher Education.” Midwestern Journal of Theology 21.2 (Fall 2022): 84–110.
  60. /PDF/ “An Arc of the Covenants: Tracing How the Bible’s Storyline Climaxes in Christ.” The Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 26.1 (2022): 10–45.
  61. /PDF/ “Foreword.” Pages xiii–xiv in The King-Priest in Samuel: A Messianic Motif by Nicholas Majors. Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2023.
  62. /PDF​/ “Covenant.” Pages 144–50 in Dictionary of the New Testament Use of the Old Testament edited by Beale, Carson, Gladd, and Naselli. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2023.
  63. /PDF/ “Deuteronomy.” Pages 188–93 in DNTUOT. 
  64. /PDF/ “Promises.” Pages 630–35 in DNTUOT.
  65. /PDF/ “Zephaniah.” Pages 886–90 in DNTUOT.
  66. /PDF/ “Waw and Asyndeton as Guides to Macrostructure in Biblical Hebrew Prose.” Pages 129–50 in Like Nails Firmly Fixed: Essays on Text and Language of the Hebrew and Greek Scriptures, Presented to Peter J. Gentry on the Occasion of His Retirement. CBET 115. Leuven: Peeters, 2023.
  67. /PDF/ “How Old Is the Earth?” with Wayne Grudem. Midwestern Journal of Theology 22.1 (2023): 1–29.
  68. /PDF/ “Relating Moses’s Law to Christians.” Church Matters 1 (2023): 132–36.
  69. /PDF/ “A Progressive Covenantal Perspective: Theonomy and Moses’s Law.” Church Matters 1 (2023): 184–93.
  70. /PDF/ “Confronting Idolatry in Zephaniah 1:4–6 and in the Twenty-First Century.” Midwestern Journal of Theology 22.2 (2023): 18–41.

Book Reviews

  1. /PDF/ Review of Invitation to the Septuagint, by Karen H. Jobes and Moisés Silva, TrinJ 23.2 (2002): 257–60.
  2. /PDF/ Review of Markedness in Canaanite and Hebrew Verbs, by Paul D. Korchin, CBQ 27.1 (2010): 115–16.
  3. /PDF/ Review of A Reader’s Hebrew and Greek Bible, by A. Philip Brown, Bryan W. Smith, Richard J. Goodrich, and Albert L. Lukaszewski, SBJT 14.2 (2010): 91–92.
  4. /PDF/ Review of These Are the Generations: Identity, Covenant, and the “Toledot” Formulaby Matthew A. Thomas, BBR 22.3 (2012): 412–15.
  5. /PDF/ Review of Kingdom Through Covenant: A Biblical-Theological Understanding of the Covenants, by Peter J. Gentry and Stephen J. Wellum, BBR 23.1 (2013): 110–13.
  6. /PDF/ Review of Accordance 11 Ultimate Collection, BBR 25.2 (2015): 225–27.
  7. /PDF/ Review of Genesis: History, Fiction, or Neither? Three Views on the Bible’s Earliest Chapters, edited by Charles Halton, Themelios 40.3 (2015): 485–90.
  8. /PDF/ Review of Leading across Cultures: Effective Ministry and Mission in the Global Church, by James E. Plueddemann. Journal of Global Christianity 4.1 (2018): 95–98.
  9. /PDF/ Review of WJK’s Library Bundle: Old Testament Library Commentaries and Companion Volumes and New Testament Library Commentaries and Companion Volumes for Accordance, by OakTree Software, Inc. Themelios 43.1 (2018): 91–94.

Recent Sermons, Interviews, and Special Lectures

  1. /Audio/PDF/ “Yahweh is Your Keeper: A Sermon on Psalm 121” (30 Nov  2006, Northwestern College Chapel).
  2. /Audio/PDF/ “Loved and Loving: Living in the Gospel Light––A Sermon on 1 John 2:7–14” (21–22 Mar 2009, Bethlehem Baptist Church). Read the written follow-up commentsPDF 
  3. /Audio/PDF/ “Biblical and Historical Perspectives on Why We Still Need the Biblical Languages” (16 Nov 2009, Bethlehem College & Seminary).
  4. /Audio/PDF/ “Yahweh our God, Yahweh is One: A Sermon on Deuteronomy 6:4” (16 Mar 2010, Northwestern College Chapel).
  5. /Audio/PDF/ “Context for Loving Yahweh Our One God: A Sermon on Deuteronomy 6:6-9” (18 Mar 2010, Northwestern College Chapel).
  6. /Audio/PDF/ “The God Who Does Not Wipe Out Rebels: A Sermon on How Genesis 1–3 Gives Hope to Sinners” (9 Sept 2010, Bethlehem College & Seminary Chapel).
  7. /Audio/PDF/ “Yahweh Our Guardian–Our Help: A Sermon on Psalm 121” (29 Sept 2011, Bethlehem College & Seminary Chapel).
  8. /Audio/PDF/Video/ “An Open Statement of the Truth: A Sermon from 2 Corinthians 4:2 on Ministry of the Word in a Secular Context” (1 Mar 2012, Bethlehem College & Seminary Chapel).
  9. /Audio/PDF/ “A Gospel Charge with the Aim of Love: An Ordination Sermon from 1 Timothy 1:3–7” (23 June 2013, Five Points Community Church).
  10. /Audio/ “A Walk-Through KINGDOM” (9 Nov 2013, Bible Educators’ Seminar: Heritage Christian Academy)
  11. /PDF/Video/ “The Old Testament in 10 Minutes” (4 Feb 2014, Desiring God Conference for Pastors)
  12. /Audio/PDF/Video/ “Written on the Heart and Read by All: A Sermon on the New Covenant from Jeremiah 31:31–34” (26–27 Oct 2014, Bethlehem Baptist Church)
  13. /Audio/PDF/Video/ “The Problem of Suffering and the Presence of Our Saving Shepherd: A Sermon from Ecclesiastes” (18 Sept 2014, Bethlehem College & Seminary Chapel).
  14. /Audio/PDF/ “For the Sake of His Name: A Mission to Magnify the Majesty of Christ: A Sermon on Rom 1:1–7” (12 Oct 2014, First Evangelical Free Church)
  15. /Audio/Handout/PDF/ “The Heart of YHWH and His Chosen One in 1 Samuel 13:14” (19 Nov 2014, Annual Meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society)
  16. /Audio/Video/Handout/ “Father of a Multitude of Nations: New Covenant Ecclesiology in Old Testament Perspective” (26 Mar 2015; Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, PhD Colloquium Series)
  17. /Audio/PDF/Video/ “Confronting the Transgender Storm: A Sermon on Deuteronomy 22:5” (5 Nov 2015; Bethlehem College & Seminary Chapel).
  18. /Audio/PDF/Video/ “Loving the Needy: A Sermon on Deuteronomy 10:16–19” (8 April 2016, Bethlehem College & Seminary Chapel).
  19. /Audio/PDF/Video/ “Finding Joy amidst Life’s Enigmas: A Sermon on Ecclesiastes 11:7–12:1” (8 Oct 2016; Indulge Conference; Bethlehem College & Seminary).
  20. /Audio/PowerPoint/Video/ “Is Every Promise ‘Yes’? Old Testament Promises and the Christian” (23 Feb 2017, Lecture Commemorating my promotion to full Professor of Old Testament and Biblical Theology, Bethlehem College & Seminary).
  21. /Audio/Online/ Interview on How to Understand and Apply the Old Testament (3 Sept 2017; Equipping You in Grace)
  22. /Audio/PowerPoint/Video/ “For Our Instruction: Jesus’s Bible as Christian Scripture” (23 Sept 2017, Eureka! Conference, Bethlehem College & Seminary)
  23. /Audio/PDF/Video/ “Fearing and Following God: A Sermon on Ecclesiastes 12:13–14” (31 Jan 2018, Bethlehem College & Seminary Chapel).
  24. /Audio/PowerPoint/Video/ “Thinking How to See and Savor the Divine Son in All of Scripture” (22 Sept 2018, Think Revisited Conference, Bethlehem College & Seminary)
  25. /Video/PowerPoint/Handout/PDF Manuscript/ “Seven Ways to See and Savor the Divine Son in All of Scripture” (28 Jan 2019, Bethlehem Conference for Pastor’s and Church Leaders).
  26. /Audio/ “Preaching Deuteronomy” (18 Feb 2019, Preaching and Preachers Podcast).
  27. /Audio/PowerPoint/Handout/ “The Gospel and the Church’s Ministry to the Poor” (8 Dec, 2018, Northfield Community Church).
  28. /Audio/Handout/PDF Manuscript/ “For the Sake of Christ’s Name among the Nations: The Theme of Missions in Scripture” (9 Dec, 2018, Northfield Community Church).
  29. /Video/Audio/PDF Manuscript/ “Calling on the Name of the Lord: A Sermon on Zephaniah 3:9–10” (20 Feb 2019, Bethlehem College & Seminary Chapel).
  30. /Audio/PDF/ “Psalm 45: A Wedding Meditation” (15 June 2019, Bethlehem Baptist Church)
  31. /Video/Audio/PDF/ “Be Satisfied in the Lord Always: A Sermon on Ecclesiastes 11:7–12:1” (3 Sept 2019, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary)
  32. /Audio/ “Biblical Theology and the Old Testament: Part 1” (20 Oct 2019, Center for Biblical Studies at Midwestern Seminary Podcast)
  33. /Audio/ “Biblical Theology and the Old Testament: Part 2” (27 Oct 2019, Center for Biblical Studies at Midwestern Seminary Podcast)
  34. /Audio/PDF/ “Tips for Preaching the Old Testament” (18 Nov, 2019, Preaching and Preachers Podcast)
  35. /Audio/ “How Does Biblical Theology Help Us See and Celebrate Christ in the Old Testament?” (20 Nov, 2019, Evangelical Theological Society)
  36. /Audio/Video/ “The Old Testament Law and the Christian” (18 Jan, 2020, Indianapolis Seminary)
  37. /Audio/ Interview with Oren Martin and Andy Naselli on 40 Questions about Biblical Theology (8 Dec, 2020, Books at a Glance)
  38. /Audio/ “Canonical Arrangement” (2020, Evangelical Theological Society)
  39. /Audio/ “Why Should I Read the Old Testament?” (2020, Ask the Experts at MBTS)
  40. /Audio/ “Sermon on Romans 10:5-21” (2020, Emmaus, KCMO)
  41. /Audio/ “The Hermeneutical Significance of the Shape of the Christian Canon.” (2020, MBTS Colloquy)
  42. /Audio/ “A Vision for Theological Education that Is for the Church.” (Evangelical Theological College in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, May 14, 2021)
  43. /Audio/ “The Promises of God and the Prosperity Gospel: Lecture 1” (Evangelical Theological College in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, May 12, 2021)
  44. /Audio/ The Promises of God and the Prosperity Gospel: Lecture 2″ (Evangelical Theological College in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, May 12, 2021)
  45. /Audio/Handout/PDF Manuscript/ “The Biblical Covenants in Salvation History” (ETS Nov, 2021, Fort Worth, TX)
  46. /Audio/PDF Manuscript/ “Rejoicing in Hope: Understanding and Applying Zephaniah, Lecture 1: Seek the Lord Together to Avoid Punishment” (Zeph 1:1–3:7) (Hugh D. Brown Lectures, Irish Bible College, Jan 13, 2022)
  47. /Audio/PDF Manuscript/ “Rejoicing in Hope: Understanding and Applying Zephaniah, Lecture 2: Wait for the Lord in Order to Enjoy Satisfying Salvation” (Zeph 3:8–20) (Hugh D. Brown Lectures, Irish Bible College, Jan 13, 2022)
  48. /Audio/PDF/Handout/PowerPoint/ “Interpreting Old Testament Wisdom” (Christian Challenge Leader Training, Kansas State University, Jan 17, 2022)
  49. /Audio/ “Missions in the Old Testament and the Horn of Africa,” an episode of “The Missions Podcast” with Alex Kocman (Originally appeared on Used with permission. September, 2022)
  50. /Audio/PDF/ “The Saints Sure Hope: Christ Wins … Forever––A Sermon on the Book of Daniel” (Oct 2, 2022)
  51. /Audio/Video/Handout/ “Why Missions?” (Fusion Youth Weekend, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, October 22, 2022)
  52. /Audio/Video/Handout/ “How Missions?” (Fusion Youth Weekend, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, October 22, 2022)
  53. /Audio/Video/Handout/Resources/ “Now Missions!” (Fusion Youth Weekend, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, October 22, 2022)
  54. /Audio/Video/ Book Talk with Andrew King on Five Views of Christ in the Old Testament (Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2022)
  55. /Audio/Video/ “Encountering The God of Sinai & Salvation,” an Interview with Tim Mahoney (Patterns of Evidence Foundation, November, 2022)
  56. /Audio/Video/ “Revering God: Punishment on the Day of the Lord” (Lecture 1 of W. H. Griffith Thomas Memorial Lectures at Dallas Theological Seminary; Feb 2023)
  57. /Audio/Video/ “Seeking God and Waiting: Hope on the Day of the Lord” (Lecture 2 of W. H. Griffith Thomas Memorial Lectures at Dallas Theological Seminary; Feb 2023)
  58. /Audio/Video/ “Rejoicing Then and Now: Pleasures on the Day of the Lord” (Lecture 3 of W. H. Griffith Thomas Memorial Lectures at Dallas Theological Seminary; Feb 2023)
  59. /Audio/ “Two Case Studies of Christ in the Old Testament” (Paper presented at ETS, 2023)
  60. /Audio/ “Greater is He: Spiritual Warfare for Kingdom Advance,” (Part 1 of the Evangelical Theological College presentation in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. April 7, 2023)
  61. /Audio/ “Greater is He: Spiritual Warfare for Kingdom Advance,” (Part 2 of the Evangelical Theological College presentation in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. April 7, 2023)
  62. /Audio/ “The Long History of God’s Love for Africa” (Shashamane, Ethiopia, 2023)

Substantive Blog Posts

  1. Psalm 121: What It Means That Yahweh Is Your Guardian (Desiring God, Jan 27, 2012)
  2. Which Is the Real Ten Commandments? (The Gospel Coalition, Aug 27, 2012)
  3. Love God with Your Everything (Desiring God, Oct 10, 2013)
  4. Five Facts About Loving God (Desiring God, Oct 24, 2013)
  5. When God’s Promise Overcomes Our Problem (Desiring God, Nov 6, 2013)
  6. Where Does True Love Come From? (Desiring God, Dec 19, 2013)
  7. Looking to Christ in the Loss of a Child (Desiring God, Feb 12, 2014)
  8. What Happened to the Dinosaurs? (DeRouchie-Meyer, Mar 18, 2014)
  9. The Wintry Soul: Four Lessons from Suffering (Desiring God, Mar 20, 2014)
  10. Was the Flood the First Time It Rained? (DeRouchie-Meyer, Mar 21, 2014)
  11. We Are Made for Praise (Desiring God, Mar 24, 2014)
  12. For Our Good Always–Interview Part 1 (Books at a Glance, May 6, 2014)
  13. For Our Good Always–Interview Part 2 (Books at a Glance, May 7, 2014)
  14. What the OT Authors Really Cared About–Interview Part 1 (Books at a Glance, May 13, 2014)
  15. What the OT Authors Really Cared About–Interview Part 2 (Books at a Glance, May 14, 2014)
  16. Four Reasons to Use the Biblical Languages (B&H Publishing, May 27, 2014)
  17. Canonical Consciousness and the Changes to the Decalogue (DeRouchie-Meyer, July 10, 2014)
  18. The New Covenant Community in Hebrews (DeRouchie-Meyer, Sept 11, 2014)
  19. The New Covenant Community in 2 Peter (DeRouchie-Meyer, Sept 13, 2014)
  20. At the Death of Your Child (DeRouchie-Meyer, Jan 26, 2015)
  21. TGC Review––Genesis: History, Fiction, or Neither? Three Views on the Bible’s Earliest Chapters (The Gospel Coalition, Sept 28, 2015)
  22. Train Up a Child in the Way He Should Go––A Meditation on Proverbs 22:6 (Desiring God, Sept 20, 2016)
  23. Why Must I Obey? A Meditation on Deuteronomy 6:20–25 (Bethlehem College & Seminary, Oct 3, 2016)
  24. Five Ways to Help Our Kids after the Election (Desiring God, Nov 9, 2016)
  25. If Your Right Hand Causes You to Sin: Ten Biblical Reflections on Masturbation (Desiring God, Dec 3, 2016) /PDF/
  26. 10 Reasons the Old Testament Is Important for Christians (The Gospel Coalition, Nov 7, 2018)
  27. 3 Books for Staying ‘Hitched’ to the Old Testament (The Gospel Coalition, Nov 8, 2018)
  28. Why the Third Day? The Promise of Resurrection in All of Scripture (Desiring God, June 11, 2019)
  29. God Always Wanted the Whole World: Global Mission from Genesis to Revelation (Desiring God, Dec 5, 2019)
  30. Jesus’s Only Bible: 7 Tips for Preaching the Old Testament (The Gospel Coalition, Feb 17, 2020)
  31. The Location of the Red Sea Miracle: A Biblical Case for the Gulf of Aqaba (, Feb 20, 2020)
  32. Resurrection Hope in a Season of Death (credo magazine, April 8, 2020)
  33. What I Learned the Day I almost Killed J. I. Packer (, July 28, 2020)
  34. How to Understand and Apply the Old Testament: Introduction (For the Church, Sept 10, 2020)
  35. How to Understand and Apply the Old Testament, Step 1: Genre (For the Church, Oct 6, 2020)
  36. How to Understand and Apply the Old Testament, Step 2: Literary Units and Text Hierarchy (For the Church, Nov 19, 2020)
  37. How to Understand and Apply the Old Testament, Step 3: Text Criticism (For the Church, Dec 22, 2020)
  38. How to Understand and Apply the Old Testament, Step 4: Translation (For the Church, Feb 2, 2021)
  39. How to Understand and Apply the Old Testament, Step 5: Clause and Text Grammar (For the Church, Mar 25, 2021)
  40. ‘Her Desire Will Be for Her Husband’: What Gen 3:16 Means for Marriage (DesiringGod, June 18, 2021)
  41. 10 Reasons Why You Should Read the Old Testament (Dec 29, 2021)
  42. How to Understand and Apply the Old Testament, Step 6: Argument Tracing (For the Church, Mar 10, 2022)
  43. A Long History of God’s Love for Africa (DesiringGod, April 7, 2022)
  44. How to Understand and Apply the Old Testament, Step 7: Word and Concept Studies (For the Church, April 11, 2022)
  45. How to Understand and Apply the Old Testament, Step 8: Historical Context (For the Church, May 23, 2022)
  46. How to Understand and Apply the Old Testament, Step 9: Literary Context (For the Church, June 20, 2022)
  47. Our Young Earth: Arguments for Thousands of Years (DesiringGod, July 7, 2022)
  48. A Response to Old Earth Arguments (DesiringGod, July 7, 2022)
  49. How to Understand and Apply the Old Testament, Step 10: Biblical Theology (For the Church, Aug 31, 2022)
  50. How to Understand and Apply the Old Testament, Step 11: Systematic Theology (For the Church, Sept 20, 2022)
  51. How to Understand and Apply the Old Testament, Step 12: Practical Theology (For the Church, Oct 20, 2022)
  52. Fathers Discipling Children (Christ Over All, May 26, 2023)
  53. Delighting in the Old Testament––Introduction: Ten Reasons the Old Testament Matters for Christians (For the Church, July 19, 2023)
  54. Our Young Earth: Arguments for Thousands of Years (Christ Over All, Aug 2, 2023)
  55. Delighting in the Old Testament––01: New Testament Reflections on Grasping the Old Testament’s Message (For the Church, Aug 2, 2023)
  56. Delighting in the Old Testament––02: Old Testament Reflections on Grasping on the Old Testament’s Message (For the Church, Aug 16, 2023)
  57. Delighting in the Old Testament––03: Christ as Light and Lens for Reading the Old Testament Well (For the Church, Aug 30, 2023)
  58. Delighting in the Old Testament––04: KINGDOM: The Story of God’s Glory in Christ (For the Church, Sept 15, 2023)
  59. Delighting in the Old Testament––05: Treasuring Christ in All of Scripture (For the Church, Sept 27, 2003)
  60. The Davidic Covenant (Christ Over All, Sept 28, 2023)
  61. Delighting in the Old Testament––06: Jesus in Genesis: A Case Study (For the Church, Oct 11, 2023)
  62. Delighting in the Old Testament––07: Should Christians Hope in Old Testament Promises? (For the Church, Oct 25, 2023)
  63. Delighting in the Old Testament––08: The Christian’s Connection to Old Testament Promises (For the Church, Nov 8, 2023)
  64. Delighting in the Old Testament––09: How to Hope in Old Testament Promises through Christ (For the Church, Nov 22, 2023)
  65. Delighting in the Old Testament––10: The Christian’s Connection to Moses’s Law (For the Church, Dec 20, 2023)
  66. Delighting in the Old Testament––11: Other Views on the Christian and Old Testament Law (For the Church, Dec 27, 2023)
  67. Delighting in the Old Testament––12: How Jesus Maintains Some Old Testament Laws (For the Church, Jan 1, 2024)
  68. Delighting in the Old Testament––13: How Jesus Transforms or Annuls Some Old Testament Laws (For the Church, Jan 10, 2024)
  69. Delighting in the Old Testament––Conclusion: Tips for Delighting in the Old Testament (For the Church, Feb 7, 2024)
  70. The Story of God’s Glory in Christ (For the Church, Feb 13, 2024)
  71. Help! I Don’t Enjoy Reading the Old Testament (Crossway Blog, Feb 13, 2024)
  72. 4 Ways Jesus Fulfills Every Old Testament Promise (Crossway Blog, Feb 18, 2024)
  73. 10 Reasons the Old Testament Matters to Christians (Crossway Blog, Feb 25, 2024)